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Have you ever worked as a volunteer anywhere?

by Finy (follow)
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Volunteer (2)      No pay (1)      Helping (1)      Volunteer worker (1)     

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Have you ever worked as a volunteer anywhere?

#No pay
#Volunteer worker
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I have had many volunteer jobs in the last 20 or so years since I retired.

Currently I manage an Op Shop and I work from home as well as at the shop.
Before that I had worked on committees.
I prefer volunteer work now as I can sort of say what I want without fear of losing my daily income! I find it less stressful than paid work however, it is STILL very stressful working with other volunteers who cancel at the last minute, try to change shifts, are constantly sick etc etc
by Finy
I do a lot of volunteer work. I go to different nursing homes on different days of the week visiting the residents and talking to them. They love having someone come visit, especially those who have no family, or at least none living close by. I have become very close to quite a few of them, and their families, who are very grateful. These people have been through wars and terrible life events but have lived to tell the tale, and deserve our respect. Today, I am off to the committee at a local nursing home, where I have been working for 26 or 27 years. We support the residents and staff by fundraising, to help make life more easier and pleasant for everyone. Over the years, we have purchases CD players, air conditioners, cameras for the staff, things for the lifestyle staff, fountains for the garden, a waterfall, outdoor furniture, garden tools for the Mens Shed, and so much more. Theres only one lady who has been there longer than me !!! She recently got an award for her years of service to the community. I am a member of our local Lions Club, and have been busy with that three days this week, plus will be working all day tomorrow on a Lions BBQ. I worked at the local Red Cross for about 10 years, plus did the doorknocking in our area for about 20 years. I had to give that up unfortunately as I am busy doing volunteering every day, and with the Lions Club, it often means weekend work as well. I just love volunteer work. I am doing it because I want to, and not because I get paid to do it, and that's the difference. It's something you choose to do, and it's something that warms your heart.
In a childrens home a few years ago. Its was for a very short time but very fulfilling.
by Gia
I can't recall volunteering anywhere. I have played music and tutored persons for free but never in any official capacity.
I have volunteered many times for events and caring for animals. I enjoy it a lot and will certainly to continue to volunteer as much my schedule will allow me.
Edit: Continue to volunteer as much as my schedule will allow me
by DanyaS
I volunteer some of my time to an organisation called Collective Shout. The work I do for them is from home/online.
by Vee
Over the years I have done a great deal of Volunteer work.I really enjoy putting a smile on other people's faces,or knowing that I am somehow doing this even if I cannot actually see those smiles! I believe that it is extremely good for all of us to do something for the desire to help others who need assistance,rather than just for whatever money we can earn. Money is NOT everything in this life .I would far prefer to have good health than lots of money! I have done a lot of my volunteer work in such a way that it is anonymous,and I like this most of all. It is NOT about others seeing what we have done,but simply knowing in our own hearts that we genuinely have assisted someone who needs some help. It does come back to us...I found that I have been helped enormously by other people in turn,now that I am not as able bodied as I used to be,and have even had to stop working. What goes round,comes round,as the saying goes! I still like to help others wherever and whenever I can,in whatever way I can.
Yes I have and it has been the most fulfilling experience ever.
I've been a volunteer since before I retired. I work on 1RPH - Radio for print handicapped. Nearly 30yrs
Yes. I have had three volunteering jobs. I have worked in an op shop, a combined charity card shop and oxfam fair trade shop. I enjoyed working in all of them. I made some great life long friends while volunteering!
by AJ
Over the years I have been a volunteer for numerous organisations. Currently I am a volunteer with the local community gallery which is very interesting. I am doing some publicity for the gallery and do a shift or two each month at the gallery.

Each volunteer position I have been involved in has been interesting and I have met some great people.
As a teenager, decades' ago, selling Tickets, in my neighbourhood, for Hospital Building Funds.

Life was much safer then.
Great way to meet people in my Suburb!
There were some really lovely folk around in those 1960's days'!
Not in recent years but I hope to again.
by Rice
I worked as a volunteer in a battered women's shelter for about a week before I got fired. One of the residents was leaving and needed a toaster so I let her plug it in and it blew a fuse which also shut down the phone lines for about an hour. I realized this and checked the fuse box, but I guess that was somehow my fault. I guess it wasn't meant to be.
When i was in high school i volunteered at a hospice / respite home for adults with down syndrome. I used to read to them, help prepare lunches, go for walks to the park. They made such a strong impression on me. The biggest wake up was dropping my pre concieved notions that i was dealing with incapable retarded child like people. I had wonderful conversations and listened to their hopes and dreams. I am still friends with one lady, we meet for coffee or lunch. Her favourite is feeding the ducks at the local park.
I do like to volunteer. My first time was as a Big Sister for a girl in a home with no mother. I have been on the Board of Directors for health and safety; the environment; and wild animal rescue. I was a volunteer driver to pick up rescued wild animals and bring them to the rehab shelter. That was a lot of fun and I still interesting stories from the experience
On a different note, I was a volunteer to help student doctors learn to do gynaecology exams. Not every woman would be willing to do that but wouldn't you like to know that they had had some real experience before treating you as a patient?
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