Have you ever witnessed a birth?
I am learning all the time. The tombstone will be my diploma ~ Eartha Kitt.
Vertex presentation, occiput anterior. Illustration by William Smellie c.1792.
Have you ever witnessed the birth of a human baby, perhaps your own or that of a loved one? If so, what did you think of the experience?
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I didn't actually see when my own children were born, but I certainly felt it. My first birth was in a hospital and I was offered a mirror but didn't want to look. The second time I was at home and just too busy and focused to even think about that. I'd love to become a doula and help other women through their births, and then maybe I would get to see some.
Yes of my youngest niece and it was amazing, we have an awesome bond and she is now 14.
Well, I can't say I know what it's like physically to have a baby, but as a husband and a father, I can confidently say that assisting (if that's what you could call it) with the birth of my beautiful daughter was the most amazing "human" experience I have ever had. Joy (at seeing your own flesh and blood coming into the world), concern (for my wife - seeing the love of your life experience so much pain is never something that can be enjoyed), awe honour & overwhelmed (at the prospect of being entrusted with the care of a human life) - are all emotions that I experienced.
Most of all, when the the delivery was done and mother was exhausted, was the feeling I had when my daughter was placed on my wife's chest, facing me, eyes wide open. There was an instant bond, and I said "Hello Emily, I'm your daddy and you and your mummy are the most precious things in the world to me". And that's exactly what I was feeling at the time.
I remember that moment whenever either one of them gets on my nerves, and it just helps me put it all back into perspective.
I have not seen a human birth (Had all Cesareans anyway) but have seen many animal births having been an animal breeder in what seems a former life, though is only 5 years ago.
It was so fascinating as I would imagine a human birth would be from seeing it on TV in graphic programmes.
The fascinating thing about animal births is how the large animal gets up within a minute or two of being born -I find that delightful and loved helping with the animal births.
Sadly no, I have not seen a human birth apart.from on TV
Did not witness the birth of my kids...and have not see the birth of any others. Not sure if I want witness it...!
No. The closest I have come is the birth of my own kids. 3 Caesars so not exactly natural.
I have not seen a human birth except of my own kid.Its an amazing experience.
During our antenatal classes, we viewed some incredibly graphic videos of women giving birth. For that reason I didn't request a mirror while birthing. Though one of the women in our class was quite keen on the idea. I think viewing the process would cause me to magnify the pain I felt. Pain aside, birthing is one of the most miraculous moments in a woman's life.
Yes, it's quite enjoyable like watching any medical procedure. The worst part is screaming & huffing & puffing noises from 'would be mother'. That part gives me a headache. Doctors perform intricate operations but it's done with perfect procedures,without any screaming from Surgens & staff & the patients are sedated & hence there's no distraction to the medical staff. Even when at times when things don't go right you never see Doctors carry on,scream at the support staff & so on. It's a rather fashionable trend to make a big scene while giving birth.And having those pansy 'would be fathers' standing by & huff & puff with their partners. That is not needed cod the Doctors & midwife staff know exactly what to do. But this is my opinion.
So that's a "no" then, lol. Sounds like you have watched a bit too much TV. Birth is not a medical procedure. Sometimes women giving birth have medical procedures done to them, sometimes not. Sometimes there are doctors present, sometimes not. "Huffing and puffing and screaming" is entirely optional. The father of the child should be present if the mother wants him to be and he wants to be there himself.
I have only seen the birth of a baby in a movie shown when I was pregnant and attending a class(a type of" this is what to expect" movie). The mother in the movie was having her 5th. baby, vaginal delivery. I literally nearly fainted when I saw the size of things and the condition of things. I think this is one event best enjoyed by the mother only and nobody, absolutely nobody else. I am all for going back to the 60s or 70s & nobody seeing anything other than, post baby, the mother sitting up with the pink bed-jacket on and hair brushed and receiving visitors when she decided she could cope. Outdated I know !
Birth is certainly the greatest miracle of life and mothers everywhere have a right to celebrate how clever they are at carrying and producing such a miracle, bringing a healthy baby into the world. Family and friends should reward mothers everywhere by affording them a little privacy at the time of their most intimate and generous tasks.
As for viewing the actual birth, there is nothing even vaguely attractive about that scene, but 30 minutes later and viewing the produce - amazing. Totally mind blowing.
I was present for my sister's 2 water births. And I was there for my own 2 children of course but you don't see much. I was outside the door for my daughter's cesarean. The thrill for me is in meeting the new little person not the actual emergence.
I want to witness one but I'm not sure I'd become suddenly sensitive to the commotions caused in labor wards. Hence I've chosen not to disturb any mothers or doctors I know about my need to experiment my tolerance thresholds!
Yikes, no thank goodness. Wouldn't want to.
I was very privileged to be at the birth of my second grand daughter. It was a little scary as she was determined to stay in her cosy cocoon. My grandson beat me to the punch, by arriving an hour or so before I could complete my journey to his home. He was in a big hurry. Witnessing a birth was special for me in many ways as both my children are adopted.
No, sadly not even the birth of my son. I'm still wondering if they gave me the right baby:-)
I came across a birth video on youtube once. Never again!
Seen them on television. Never witnessed a birth. Had many, many opportunities to witness live birth but never did. Never felt it was any of my business to be there. Know a lot of people that do ask mothers approaching the birth time if it would be OK and they most of the time say "yes" but I think that is because they feel they "just ought to say yes". I think it is an imposition on the mother, taking a liberty and an invasion of privacy.
I firmly believe mothers should be on their own, with a doula maybe, but other than that they should just get on with the job minus the audience.
I have witnessed a few, as a doula and as a friend.
To see a woman, undisturbed, birthing her baby is an awesome sight.
AWESOME !!!! My first three children, and it was totally an wonderous ...there are not the words.... experience to behold.
Lets face it, the beginning of new life, and that of the joy joining of parts of us, the parents, is totally unseen as an embryo forms.
But the crowning and then delivery of a newborne, is beyond simple words.
It is not just the physical aspect alone, but the emotive aspect of 'our' baby being born, the bond that develops between mother, father and babe in those few seconds is beyond words.
No, I've never witnessed a live birth.
ID: 13683