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Have you ever watched penguins, apart from in a zoo?

by Finy (follow)
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Photo: en.wikipedia.org

Have you ever watched penguins, apart from in a zoo?

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Yes I have seen them on Penguin Island which is near Perth.

They are very cute and waddle around happily!
by Finy
I have been to see the Penguin Parade on Phillip Island in Victoria .It is so cute to see them emerge from the water and go waddling up the beach to their nests, after a busy day fishing. It is a real delight for people of any age.
No sadly not, it would be a wonderful experience that much I do know.
Maybe one day! :)
Yes I've watched them, but only on TV. I've never seen one in r
I've never seen one with my own eyes.
Having grown up in Victoria, we would go to Philip Island and often see the Penguins as they came in at dusk from their day out swimming in the cold seas to the very south of Australia!! It is a sight,or should I say,a spectacle well worth witnessing.I have never forgotten the sense of absolute delight I experienced whenever I witnessed these amazing birds which while so graceful in the sea, are so comical on land!! I can watch documentaries about these birds over and over, with so much more appreciation having seen them in real life,and I actually get a great deal more joy from having done so!
Unfortunately, I have not seen penguins "in the wild".
by Vee
Yes I have. It's so funny watching them. I was mesmerized especially when two males fight over the attention of a female. Could watch them for ages.
No.But I would love to.
I've only seen them in a zoo - Edinburgh. I was so excited as I simply adore penguins. They all rushed to the fence and started following me . . . people were staring . . it was magic!
by Rice
I've only seen them at the Aquarium in Melbourne, apart from the zoos.I had told my husband I'd take him to Antartica for his 60th birthday. We still haven't gone of cause, & he;'s now 71!
by Miro
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