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Have you ever watched a movie at a Gold Class cinema?

by Ivana Katz (follow)
Ivana is passionate about travel, writing, photography and website design. Visit her at: www.adventurehq.com.au
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gold class cinema, gold class movies

Have you ever watched a movie in Gold Class? How did you enjoy the experience? What movie did you see?

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Many times and I love it. When I take my kids to gold class they are over the moon. I think its more suited for an outing with a difference rather than watching the movie. I tend to go to gold class to watch a movie that does not require my attention 100%.
I absolutely adore the Gold Class at Reading Cinemas. Their food is tasty, they serve big portions, and its very cheap compared to the Event cinema food! They also give you a free popcorn and soft drink on arrival to take into the cinema. They also have regular deals on things such as dessert plate and ticket combos which are a bargain, and their tickets are heavily discounted on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday! Whats not to like!?
Yeah, a few times- it was very luxurious, but I have to admit I felt quite uncomfortable the whole time. Plus they walk around serving food while I'm trying to watch a movie!

I liked it when there were free upgrades with a magnum wrapper, but think it isn't worth the money otherwise.
Yes we did, once a few year ago. It was nothing special. Don't remember the movie, but the seats were nice. I guess I would do it again for the comfort of the seats! ;)
Yes and thers was something gross and sticky on the seat which was a bit off putting.
eeew - hopefully food?
It's best to lookout for discounts on Gold Class tickets when you can, that way you get a better experience and save some $$.
Usually the gold class gift cards sold at the supermarkets can end up on sale.
by Amelia
No never that lucky :(
Absolutely, and was even lucky to attend a private movie marathon with a few other journos in Gold Class as soon as I moved to Sydney. Love that luxury. Great for long films...
Unfortunately, no. I haven't. Would love to though. Perhaps on our next date night.
by Vee
Yes. I like the chairs but I don't think it's worth the money, and I get annoyed with the people with the food (walking around and those eating it).
I'd rather see 3 movies in a normal cinema...
Yes and I love, love, love it. If we could afford it, we would see every movie in Gold Class - but it is reserved for special occasions in our house.
Yes. The seats are obviously too comfy as the man next to us snored all the way through the movie.
Not yet, but would definitely love to.
Yes, I've seen a couple in Gold Class including one which was a premier of a new movie. I don't remember which ones they were because they were during the period when my children were very small and I wasn't getting enough sleep - but I do remember enjoying all the complementary popcorn and drinks and just loving the seats and having a little table in front of us to put our popcorn and drinks. It really is the way to go to see movies like that, and if you're the kind of moviegoer who will buy lots of popcorn and drinks anyway, it could work out a similar price to see the movie in Gold Class once you add all that to the price.
Oh yes yes yes and I would love to visit again.But i tend to go there only during special occasions.Maybe I should go there often with my partner .The pleasure of food wine and a good movie sometimes makes me forget my husband next to me :)
I saw the Harry Potter films in Gold Class and also The Hobbit films in Gold Class. It's a weird family tradition and paid for by someone other than me.

Personally I like Gold Class (but I'm unsure of its value). Whereas it makes my partner uncomfortable with all of the snazzy expensive stuff.
We don't have Gold Class cinemas in Canada. I think the closest we have would be Imax.
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