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Have you ever visited an alternative lifestyle community?

by Carolyn Hopping (follow)
Lifestyle (334)      Natural Living (1)      Alternative Lifestyles (1)      Holistic Living (1)     

alternate lifestyle community

These days many people, disillusioned with the shortcomings of mainstream life, are eager to find better alternatives for living. While some people explore spiritual paths that are different to the one they've been born in, others are eager to check out alternative education options for their kids (such as homeschooling), alternative agriculture (such as permaculture and biodynamics) and alternative, more affordable and healthier home building techniques (such as rammed earth and mud brick).

In some parts of Australia such as northern New South Wales, southern Queensland and parts of Victoria, alternative lifestyle communities have been established which sometimes focus on one or more of these areas, and sometimes on simply living a healthier, more natural life. Each is different, and while some definitely have a somewhat hippy vibe, the residents of others are intelligent highly-qualified people who are genuinely searching for positive alternatives to what they consider are the dilemmas of twenty-first century life.

Have you ever visited or lived on an alternative community? What were your impressions?

#Natural Living
#Alternative Lifestyles
#Holistic Living
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Top Answers
No I haven't been to one.

Would I live on one...yes if the world had another depression...we all may have too. I'm quite serious.
These communities exist?! What a fantastic idea. That's what I call 'getting back to basic'. Sign me up.
by Vee
I have been to 2 hari Krishna communitys, just north of Sydney and south of Brisbane in the 80s" . a feeling of peace that has never left me.
No I have not but visiting my son and family in Darwin is almost the same thing!
by Finy
LOL....You are funny!
by jonaja
but is true Jonaj
by Finy
No I haven't however that would be interesting.
I think they would be nice to visit, but I'm a city girl at heart so couldn't live in one.
The closest to one is the organic farm on French Island, Victoria. It's a beautiful place.
No I have never done this or even thought of doing this.
No I haven't either, because I've never thought of doing it,
by Miro
I have not been to one yet, but i deffinitly want to go and try out that lifestyle and possible stay there.
I need and want a more simple and meaningful life and this seems to be the best way to obtain it.

I have never visited an alternative lifestyle community but I would love the chance to try it
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