Have you ever used one of these, or are you too young to remember them?
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Yes, I remember them! Love the comment about seeing them in museums, makes me feel old, ha ha. We also the fly strips that one would hang from the ceiling and the flies would stick to it. ewww!
Lolz! I still use the strips . . . in the pergola.
I do remember my mother using these, and they were so messy.
You have to fill the small tank with the poisonous spray and at one stage I collected these as they are highly collectible!
When I downsized, i sold them all -I had about 5 different ones.
I certainly don't remember them! But I have seen them in museums :)
I remember my Nanna had one. I see them often in antique stores.
Oh yes, I remember these. Mum still used them when we were kids. I'm pretty sure ours was branded Mortein.
yes Mortein was one of the brands I had a few of -red...
I remember my mother using these sprays when I was young. Not good for the breathing though! We all became crack shots with the fly swat!
Yes I do remember them.
My mother used one....and I remember her spraying, and I watched all the tiny little drops go all over the place!!
This was the only way of dealing with flies and mosquitos when I was a little girl and we were holidaying at our shack around Christmas time each year. The adults were allowed to use it, but not the children. It was, as I remember, quite effective.
The silly thing about these is the fact that they use only the chemicals involved in killing the pest not the chemicals/gas's to make life easier for the user.
yes I remember them they were good strips to , would have to go out of the room after they were used, still do with the ones in the shops now,, nothing changes.
V E R Y long time since I've seen one of those! Had actually never thought of it until seeing that picture!
Yes, I remember we had one & either of my parents' would use it to kill the pesky insects!
My dad still uses one ! Gasp ! (But don't gasp anywhere near the emissions) excused at 88
It was quite acceptable to put DDT in them in the old days ! Killed the flies and mossies really well !
My parents used to use 1 for the flies & mossies!
Yes, in my childhood this was the preferred way of giving the mozzies and flies a blast.
Oh yes, we did have these, the mortien brand. One for the house and one for the shed. We also used hurricane lamps at night to go to the out house and cooked on a combustion stove, . (ps i am only 44 )
Yes. D@mned things always rusted up and you couldn't push the handle in for love nor money. Then they would leak. We always had the red Mortein ones. Crazy when you look back :(
I remember those old fly sprays, my grandparents used to have one, my god what a blast from the past, I remember the smell was quite strong!
Definitely. We also had the red Mortein one.
Ah yes, I remember. On hot nights our bedroom was sprayed to kill the mossies before we went to bed. The name 'Flytox' comes to mind, I think the word was printed on the gadget.
Boy that's a blast of the past! my grandparents used to have one, and I remember they used to stink, they had to buy this liquid to put inside, if people think the ones of today stink they ought to have a wiff of this thing!
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