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Have you ever used an electric blanket & do you use one now?

by Finy (follow)
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Have you ever used an electric blanket?

What did you think of them, and do you use one now?

#Electric blanket
#Warm bed
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I have not used one for a few years but after another morning of 2°C, I have decided to put it back on.
Last night I turned on the reverse cycle air in my bedroom onto 27 degrees and it was lovely watching tV in bed, however I will put on the blanket after not having had it on for about 3 years, just to warm the bed before I get into it.
I find that fleecy sheets also help with no electric blanket.
by Finy
I don't have one now, but have in the past. I think they are a good way to warm up the bed before you go to sleep. I have a heated throw rug and cover myself with that in the evenings. I find it keeps me warm enough for a few hours so that hopping into a cold bed doesn't bother me!
No and no. I don't trust those things.
by Vee
It's that darned electrickery that does it. Scary stuff. ^_^
by Rice
LOL! Too right.
by Vee
No I have never used and somehow don't feel the need. I have the coziest blanket, my husband!
I have always had one and always will. I turn it on high for an hour before I go to bed to take the chill off and turn it straight off when I get in. I don't like getting into a cold bed.
I put it on every night about half an hour before hitting the sack but turn it off once in bed....it worries me a bit as is old...
by Fran
I put it on every night about half an hour before hitting the sack but turn it off once in bed....it worries me a bit as is old...have my lovely 'Champers' (cat) to keep my feet warm!
by Fran
I put it on every night about half an hour before hitting the sack but turn it off once in bed....it worries me a bit as is old...have my lovely 'Champers' (cat) to keep my feet warm!
by Fran
Yes, had one as a teenager but haven't used one for years. Now with reverse cycle air conditioning to keep us warm we don't really need an electric blanket. I'd worry about it catching fire!
Yes, had one as a teenager but haven't used one for years. Now with reverse cycle air conditioning to keep us warm we don't really need an electric blanket. I'd worry about it catching fire!
When I lived in Melbourne,I definitely used and enjoyed using my electric blanket.Since coming to North Qld in 1980,I have never felt the need to use an electric blanket at all!! Even in the very coldest winters I have had up here,a lovely doona and cuddly night-wear including Bed socks,has been ample to keep me warm and toasty!! Much as many others do not like the idea,I also have my Fur Babies(dogs) on my bed and they definitely share a nice extra bit of warmth!!
Nope, never had one but in Canada, you have to have good insulation and a good working furnace to make it through the winter, so we don't really have a need for electric blankets.
I don't have one now but I used to have one for years
by AJ
no dont have one here but they are wonderful for warming the bed before getting in. I tend to warm the room with a reverse cycle heater for a while before going to be and that does the same trick. Hate it when you forget to turn it off before sleeping and wake up boiling. There are very safe and well fitted versions these days.

No and no. I am always too warm anyway.
No I have used electric blanket.
Great for warming the bed before I get in to it. Always turn it off as soon as you go to bed and it will not be a problem J L
I love my electric blanket, however I turn it off once I'm in bed. I know it's better not to have one as a cold bed speeds up your metabolism as your body tries to warm itself up...
I use fleecy sheets, socks and pyjamas on really cold nights.
Yes, just to warm bed, then switch off. That's enough heat to last the night.
It's packed up in one of my moving cartons & I don't know which one, there're so many!
Doona works well, & if very cold, add extra one!
Yes. Hated it. I could feel all the wires under me - so uncomfortable:( I use two doonas now.
by Rice
No. I dislike them. The only times I've slept on one would have been in motels but even warming the bed is too much for me. Can't stand the heat.
Yes I have had one for years and still have one. Have found after being diagnosed as an asthmatic later in life, that if I turn the blanket on before going to bed for about an hour the sheets are warm and my chest stays warm and there is less coughing. Did find over the years that going from a warm to cold environment did aggravate the asthma and now I am good. An electric throw rug during the day also helps if watching tv.

by Liz
Yes I do have an electric blanket but only use it if I'm really cold, other wise I use bed socks.
We used too, years ago, turning it off or only having it 1, when we got into bed. When it packed up, we did;t bother buying a new 1. Now we just use a hot water bottle, when we need extra bed worth. I also wear pjs & bed sox, but I don't use flannel sheets. (We don't have aircon of any kind either)
by Miro
We used too, years ago, turning it off or only having it 1, when we got into bed. When it packed up, we didn't bother buying a new 1. Now we just use a hot water bottle, when we need extra bed worth. I also wear pjs & bed sox, but I don't use flannel sheets. (We don't have aircon of any kind either)
by Miro
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