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Have you ever used an alias?

by VerityG (follow)
A life lived in fear is a life half lived.
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mask hidden identity alias pen name celebrity
Photo via morgueFile.com

Celebrities often use aliases when booking into hotels to try to avoid being besieged by press and fans. Tom Hanks's alias has just been revealed in the media this week, so presumably he will have to think of a new one now! Authors sometimes publish under a pen name, either because they don't want friends or family to know it is their book or to avoid public attention or like JK Rowling because they want to try writing in a new genre without anyone knowing it is them.

Have you ever used an alias or pen name?

#Make Believe
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Top Answers
I sometimes use my maiden name.
I like having the option.
It occurred to me after sharing this question that quite a few people on HubGarden have an alias....
I'm not very good at thinking up pen names so usually just go under the moniker VerityG online! My not-so-secret identity :)
Yes, I avoid using my real name online.
Yes. :)
by Vee
Yes, I may have used an alias once or twice.
Yes I use an alias
Yes when I have written to a Newspaper for anonymity.
Sadly now they want to print your correct name inviting nasty responses..
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