Have you ever tried white rice with milk, cinnamon and sugar, as a dessert?
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I really love this and always seem to make too much white rice.
It is a great combination and so easy -you just pour some milk over the cold rice, add a bit of sugar and cinnamon and VOILA- done!
Easy and delicious.
We had this often when I was a child!! I do prefer it though when I cook it further,so it thickens up,and then I also add sultanas to it!! Yum!!! I have a friend who always buys the tinned variety of creamed rice,and I always think what a huge waste of money those tins are,as rice is so darned cheap and it takes so little effort to make!!!
I think it is called Rice Pudding, and I grew up with it in England.I often find it also in certain food shops , so grab one on the way out.
It is lovely stuff....
You can also put uncooked rice longer in the oven, and cook it with 'Carnation milk" bake for 45 mins about.
It's a real nice dessert cold in summer.
I thought rice pudding was baked as you said....this is just cold rice and not baked with anything -I think rice pudding is always baked?
It really is the same outcome.
One where you pre cook the rice, the other you cook rice with milk in the oven, either way it is just wonderful!...I also love a few sultana's in it too, oh! and a little honey on top with the Cinnamon...
It’s a wonderful idea, thank you. I’ll certainly try that, when we’re NOT having rice with our mane meal 1 night. It’s looks yummy!
I think my Mum used to make that when I was a kid. I haven't had it in years.
Yum. I grew up on this. Even my late mother at the age of 94 often requested it
also love this , I usually heat the milk, or heat the rice and use cold milk
That's called rice pudding. This is a lovely dessert. I prefer having it warm.
Oh yes indeed, this was a big favourite when I was growing up. We had this for dessert more than everything else put together. Yummmmm!
Oh yes, this is my favourite dessert. It is so easy to make and so delicious. You can twist it around to make it as rich or as light you want..
I have adopted a quick way of doing this. Instead of using whole rice I use roughly ground rice or burghul. Just fry 2 tablespoons of burghul in a little butter for a minute. I also add cardamom
whilst frying. Then pour in a litre or more of milk. If you like it rich and creamy add full cream milk. Boil it on medium heat stirring occasionally. Use a non-stick pan if you have one. Then add sugar or condensed milk.once it is thickened remove from fire. Garnish with nuts. I like the tast of nutmeg so I generally add it too. Serve cold.
Love Rice Pudding.
Buy various flavours, in little tubs, from Woolies.
It's just enough for dessert. Don't add anything to it, except Sultana's!
If near shop, usually Greek-run, that sells 'home-made', will buy that.
My mother used to make baked rice for dessert when we were children, with sugar, sultanas, cinnamon and the cream off the milk. When it came out of the oven it had a beautiful brown skin on top which we kids used to fight over. Haven't had this for years.
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