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Have you ever tried towing anything?

by Finy (follow)
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Photo: en.wikipedia.org

Have you ever tried towing anything?

Could you do it, especially backing?

#Tow trailer
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I used to live on 5 acres and we regularly needed things in a trailer however I was actually scared to even drive it for some reason.

And I tried backing it and I tried backing it, and I tried back it, and again and again, with no success -I just could not get the hang of it, and eventually gave up.

I also tried with a horse float as I was breeding llamas and my partner at the time was a FIFO worker and if a llama got sick and had to go to the vet (sometimes they could not treat them on the farm), I would have had a problem as I would not have been able to turn around and come back home!
by Finy
A box trailer, once, about forty years ago. The less said about that, the better. Ex sent me to landscaping/hardware supplies by myself with no instructions, no help and not a clue that trailers jack knife. Grrrr. Humiliating.
by Rice
oh no, how awful; -i was so petrified of jackknifing that I was even scared to drive round a corner!
by Finy
I was okay on the way there, in my ignorance, on the way back I was a wreck after the people made me feel like an idiot for not being able to tow or reverse the trailer. Worse . . I can't even remember how come he made ME do it!
by Rice
Hey! you had an ex that did that to you toooooo.
Told ya were are related...lol...lol...lol...
by jonaja
by Rice

When I was 19, I was a 'driver' for a fellow who lost his driver's license from (drink-driving).He had a company, and needed someone 5 days a week to drive him around.
Most of the time, I waited outside a few pubs for hrs.....anyway.
He had a wonderful car, and lots of toys.
One day he hitched up a great speed boat!

Miss 19 had to drive him and the whole thing to a place, I forget.

I did fine, but never again did I ever want to do that!?@#!?
No. I imagine it would be a dangerous endevour for me. I am not at all gifted and talented when it comes to backing the car, let alone one with something attached to it!
by Vee
pssssssst . . . twice I have reversed into cars that I walked right past to get to my car . . . forgot they were there! It was about 35 years ago. D'oh.
by Rice
Oh my! LOL.
by Vee
Not me, but my husband has done it countless times. My son just towed a big cage trailer for the first time not long ago. As for me, of course I could do it if I had do. I don't like to be pessimistic and say ' No ', if I have never tried. Its like any new skill, anyone can learn, and with practice, will get better. We are all capable of learning new skills.
I have never driven,so I have never had the experience of towing anything at all. Sorry to be so boring,but there it is!!! At least I have not had any accidents!!!
I have never had to tow anything
by AJ
Love cars, love driving, and towing is just an extension of that.

I can back a semi and a box trailer, and if it fits forwards I will get it in backwards. We had to for our driver training in the RAAF.

An unusual fact though, don't fret if you can not reverse a trailer, the smaller(shorter from axle line to tow hitch) it is the more difficult it is.

A short trailer makes movements and actions(turns) super fast, therefor you need to predict and start the reaction turn or change of direction before you actually need it, otherwise it is always too late.

Backing a semi trailer, is like knitting in slow motion, as easy as pie, as long as you can use a mirror.

Towing, maybe difficult too, because being longer the turning action is slower, and therefore some drivers cut a corner and good bye traffic light or street sign pole, as well as the corner of your home/garage. See how wide a truck/trailer/bus etc takes a corner, over the white lane line so the back end does not side swipe anything.

I hope you can now understand what you are doing wrong, how to help avoid the jack knife moments, and why we give long vehicles a clear berth when they are turning. Drive safe.

Remember, if you are ever towing and need to reverse, but can not, pull over first out of the way, and hop out, pretend to faint and some bold knight will help you to some shade and then reverse it in for you.
Yes a 22 foot trailer behind our three quarter ton truck. We use to park the trailer at the end of the highway and use it as a cottage. We would park it the start of May and and bring it back into town in September when the bears became a problem, it was so much fun.
Camper-trailer, & horse trailer, both as empty, & full!

Haven't had to back either, thank goodness!
Yes I had to tow the caravan a good distance , my farther who I never heard swear meant what he said . Don't leave the bitumen the semi trailers will move of but stay on the bitumen ,the edge of the road could get rough
YES, I try to tow my husband around the shopping mall at Christmas time, but it always proves too big a job.
Gold, Fran! Lol!
by donjo
No, because I don't drive, but my husband has managed to tow a box trailer & a boat successfully but not at the same time of cause!
by Miro
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