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Have you ever tried the Keto Diet to avoid carbs and sugar?

by Finy (follow)
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Have you ever tried the Keto diet to avoid carbs and sugar?

#Lose weight
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No I have not even heard of this diet till the other day.
I am not really interested in reducing carbs as have already reduced sugar and oddly, my stomach problems are better when I just eat rubbish and sugar!!

Keto is not a diet that I will try as do not need to lose weight anyway.
by Finy
I had to look this up to see what it actually is. I don't have carbs at all at the moment, as they will break down to glucose, which I don't need in my bloodstream. I don't have high fat foods. I mainly have protein rich foods and lots of veggies. My plate is mostly veggies, as recommended by my dietitian. A palm sized serve of protein is allowed. If you are having more than that, you are having too much. That is all that is needed for a healthy diet.
boring, Lluxi!
by Finy
No more living to eat . . . it's all eating to live now :(
by Rice
I know it is boring, but that's what a healthy diet consists of. I have to eat healthy for my health and to prevent illness.
by Lluxi
I have successfully reversed my borderline diabetes by following a healthy eating plan
by Lluxi
yes I understand what you are saying Lluxi as I am in the same situation, I just feel it is awful as you get older to have to watch what you eat so closely, and I also do it but perhaps not as strictly as you do as I just love food and live to eat (amongst other things)
by Finy
I love food too, Finy, and occasionally I will have a treat. I don't want to get diabetes, so must follow dietitians advice. An occasional treat is allowed, but for the time being, I must stick to this plan. Maybe later I can ease up on it. It has definitely worked for me.
by Lluxi
No I have not tried this and it does not appeal to me. I prefer to follow a low GI diet where possible for healthy living.
I am trying very hard to eat by this method as my son in law has reversed his diabetes with it and I hope to imitate him. I have lost a heap of weight and have had no sugar or bad carbs for months now. I am drinking more water and generally feel a lot "cleaner" inside. Pass the bacon. :-))
by Rice
A tad hard going, but it works...It is just hard to stick too....if your like me :(
No, and I didn't even try any diet at all. I like eating healthy food and making it for my family but I don't do diets.
have never heard of the Keto diet, not interested anyway in any sort of diet
No, I haven't heard of this diet either. At the moment I'm on a 'No this & that' diet, eg: Sugar & flour. this is for my Asthma. I hope I won't have to stay on it for long, as I had 2 small boxes of FUDGE waiting to be eaten...by me!
by Miro
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