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Have you ever tried sandboarding?

by Ivana Katz (follow)
Ivana is passionate about travel, writing, photography and website design. Visit her at: www.adventurehq.com.au
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Somewhat similar to snowboarding, sandboarding is a lot of fun. Have you ever tried it? If so, where?

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I've never even heard of sandboarding before, but it sounds like fun, and a lot warmer than snowboarding. I would have thought it would be more difficult to find the room to do it though, what with all the people on the beach.
Aah Bryony, it's not done 'on the beach' per se. You go to where there're high, steep Sandhills, like Stradbroke Island, & 'surf' down them.
Only problem is you've got to trudge back to the top again! Lol!
by donjo
I've always wanted to - that's the one thing I didn't end up doing in Alice Springs due to lack of time :(
Yes - and failed horribly. Had a make shift board - and what can I say! Ran faster down hill! LOL
It is a lot of fun and easy to do, since you go down on the sandboard sitting down. The worst part is having to climb up the sand dunes.
I haven't......but I think I need too.
It looks like a great deal of fun.
Another thing for my 2014 list of to do's!!
We had a blast at Carlo Sandblow at Rainbow Beach- if you never heard of sandboarding check out the video of us wiping out on the dunes here. [http://www.weekendnotes.com/carlo-sandblow-rainbow-beach/ Sandboarding at Carlo Sandblow]
Sandboarding at Carlo Sandblow oops, here is the proper link :).
Yes. I had a blast on a Queensland holiday sandboarding on Tangalooma Island. It's a real workout climbing up the sand dunes but for anyone who likes the feeling of speeding down a hill with the sun pelting down on them, this is the ultimate!
No, but I'd like to give it a go.
Absolutely LOVE sandboarding - so much fun. We go at Anna Bay...
This looks like a blast. Added to my 'to do' list for the year. Thanks for posting.

by Vee
Sounds fun but I've never tried it.
It's a 'spectator' sport to me!
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