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Have you ever tried peanut butter and jam together?

by Finy (follow)
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Have you ever tried peanut butter and jam together on a sandwich or toast?

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#Peanut butter and Jam
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I love this combination!

Also like peanut butter with honey, but jam and peanut butter are such a good duo, especially when it is home made jam and not quite as sweet as shop bought jams.

Also peanut butter and banana and/or cucumber
by Finy
Peanut butter and banana sounds delicious ... I shall have to try
by Aliso
Yeah, I really don't like it at all. But I'm glad you called it jam and not jelly, the americanisation of Australian lingo does my head in.
jam a jelly are different things so americans don't eat peanut butter and jam they eat peanut butter and jelly.
by filli
Jelly is Jello in the States. Jam is Preserves. Nobody is putting jelly in a sandwich.
by Rice
I love Peanut butter with ANYthing!!! Jam,Honey, stirred through ice cream, On toast with Tomato slices and black pepper, Seriously,peanut butter is a MUST HAVE in my life,I cannot live without this delicious food.When I was little I would have Peanut Butter sandwiches for my lunch EVERY single day,except when there was leftover lamb roast!! I even eat it straight from the jar!
Touché, Rice!
by donjo
Yes - and I really like it
by AJ
Yup I have.
I don't mind it.
Could be what the Americans call peanut butter & jelly?
Haven't had any in a long time.
These are very common in America . But I do not like peanut butter, so I would not try it.
by BK
This is what I generally have when I'm craving dessert....Excuse me if I cut this answer short - I'm craving dessert right now.
No not this combination but cheese and jam or honey....not that keen on peanut paste
by fran
Yes yes yes. I love peanut butter and I used to eat rather a lot and had all sorts of strange combinations with it - jam (raspberry is best), salad cream, Marmite, piccalilli, chocolate spread..... yummmmmmmm :)
I haven't tried it but interesting combination.
yes and I love it.
Yes and it is lovely .... a quick put together sandwich :)

Yes my all time favourite peanut butter and jam
An American visitor introduced me to this sweet treat. Alas my waist line has dictated that it along with a lot of other pleasures has been removed my list of can haves.
Been eating this for years. Love it. Don't really mind which variety of jam - they all taste good. Sounds funny to call it peanut butter and jam - we call it peanut butter/jelly sandwich. PB and banana is delicious on toast.
No and I never would even though I love PB and jam
Peanut butter, honey, LSA and mashed banana - YES! Forget the jam/jelly.
I was introduced to peanut butter and redcurrant jelly many years ago and love this combination.
at boarding school we would combine Peanut butter and honey only if we could get away with it, we usually were stopped by the teacher at the head of the table,

It is what killed Elvis Presley.He liked them fried aka French toast.If you want heart disease this is the meal for you.
Moderation is key. Elvis used to get an entire loaf of bread, hollow it out and fill it with peanut butter, jam and bacon and eat two of those before bed. It's not the pbj that killed him, it was the quantity.
No, I love peanut butter amd Ilike jam but I couldn't bring myself to combine them.
NO! But do enjoy a SEPARATE slice of either! I buy the Woolies' Select 'American' style Peanut Paste, as find it less oily. My fav Jam is Raspberry, followed by all the other 'usual suspects', incl Breakfast Marmalade.

Oh dear! Now have to make some Toast & a hot cuppa, from just typing about it!
peanut butter and red currant jelly yum thast if you can find red currant jelly in the shops usually just have black currant for sale
At boarding school i was introduced to Peanut butter and honey by other students. this was later banned as too much was being consumed, we were then only able to have either one
I'm married to an American....say no more!
yes but i prefer peanut butter and honey
Too sweet for me but I L O V E peanut butter and banana.
by Rice
Oh! Rice, I love FRESH white sandwich bread, slightly buttered, with mashed Banana, & a sprinkling of castor sugar! And a hot cuppa! Cheers!
by donjo
Woohoo!! I add cinnamon or nutmeg sometimes!!!! Hahahaha.
by Rice
Yes, all the time. I also like peanut butter & honey or peanut butter & marmalade on rice crackers.

Oh yes, & also with marmalade.
by Miro
Can't stand peanut butter so, no, have no inclination to try this. My sister's family in the States have peanut butter and jelly(jam) sandwiches quite often though.
No, I'm not keen on peanut butter on bread or jam either, Ilike peanut butter in cooking or bit of jam on scones, I find jam too sweet.
yes peanut butter and red currant jelly
Oh yes. Peanut butter and honey is so good too!
Yes, yummy.
No, I'm not keen on peanut butter on bread, and I find jam too sweet.
yes honey and peanut butter is better
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