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Have you ever tried Korean food?

by Finy (follow)
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Have you ever tried Korean food?

#Asian food
#Korean food
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I think I have once but now that I rarely eat red meat, Korean dishes, as I remember, have a lot of meat.

I think I had BBQ something when I went once to Korean and found it quite different to other Asian foods.
by Finy
It likely was BBQ something. Korean BBQ is specific type of Korean cuisine, and it's good stuff!
No, I don't think so, but will try anything once.
I tend to love all foods from that end of the world. Korean, Chinese, Mongolian, Japanese, Thai, Vietnamese it's all amazing. I haven't been exposed to Korean as much as others, but the little I've had, I've loved.
Indeed I have had Korean food a couple of times. I enjoy its colourful presentations and delicious variety of tastes.
I am not very distinguished when it comes on to differentiating between cuisines. I may have had it but didn't know. As someone said "IF IT LOOKS GOOD, EAT IT".
No. I must try it sometime. I have heard that their cuisine is quite healthy.
by Rice
No I've never had Korean food. its something I need to try
by AJ
Yes, most definitely!

Not only at a local Restaurant, which was different, & delicious, but also on board Korean Air, flying from here to London, & back, Business Class!

The food was amazing, & I enjoyed it immensely!
So varied, compared to other Asian countries' dishes.

Would eat it anytime!
Many ,long years ago,when I was doing my sign writing apprenticeship in Victoria, we had a delightful Korean signwrite who had more talent in his little finger than most have in both hands. He invited us all to his place one weekend for a banquet of traditional Korean dishes! His wife was such a fantastic cook and everything was delicious as well as looking stunning! The dishes were like works of art,and almost too good to eat! I hate to admit that I haven't had Korean food again since that time. I would like to though!
I have and loved it.
Unfortunately no. We hardly ever go out to dinner anymore, & I don't think there are any Korean around where we live.
by Miro
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