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Have you ever tried a guava?

by Finy (follow)
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Photo: Pixabay.com

Have you ever tried a guava?

#Exotic fruit
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No that is something I dont ever remember trying and not sure if you can even buy them here?

I think they are a tropical fruit?
They look nice in the picture!
by Finy
Only in a drink....not too bad:)
Yes, I had a neighbour once who grew tamarillos and guavas. They are quite nice but I don't recall having them since or seeing them in shops very readily. Perhaps more of a home grown thing . . .? (I found the tamarillos a bit weird tasting.)
by Rice
No. I have not seen them for sale here. I have had guava juice mixed in with other fruit juices, but I can't recall the taste.
I had guava in Bali. It was nice
by AJ
No, but I think I've tried some bottled guava fruit juice?
Yes absolutely delicious
Yes, I have tried a big variety of them. Some have the pinkish centre and some are just white. They also come in a variety of shapes. Some a little elongated and some round. Love them with a small sprinkling of salt mixed with chilli powder! Guavas are introduced to school children early on in India. There is almost always a guava cart standing outside of schools during lunch break when as kids we sneaked out and bought cut up guavas with a sprinkling of salt & chilli powder yummm! Said to be very good for diabetics. Also full of Vitamin C.
In Australia we have the fejoa and the cherry guavas. I just love them.
I have had a guava a couple of times. They tasted quite nice but not as nice as some other fruit in my opinion.

Yes I've tried guava as well as guava jam. I sometimes eat it raw with salt. Guava, it seems, takes on different shapes, depending on where it grows. Guava in tropical countries have a rounder shape and they tend to be smaller in size.
In drinks... I have .. but not on their own.
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