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Have you ever tasted pomegranate?

by Finy (follow)
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Photo: Pixabay.com

Have you ever tasted fresh pomegranate?

Did you like it?

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This is one fruit I do not think I have tasted, but am about to as ordered one this week in my online order! I need some seeds for a recipe I want to try so will know if I like them over the weekend.
by Finy
Pomegranate seeds will lift any dish. I don't like overly sweet stuff but there is just enough of a hint of sweetness to add another level of taste and texture to a recipe.

They're full of health benefits as well as tasting delicious. The pomegranate deserves as much attention as kale or almonds - it really is a superfood.
Yes , living in Zimbabwe it seemed to be very common, was surprised that here it is not so....I like them but find them frustrating having to pick out the seeds, of course if it is already done in a dish that's great
by fran
Yes,I love love them in sweet or savoury dishes!!
I have, several times. My husband really likes it but I can't see the appeal myself.
I have tasted it and really liked it, but haven't had another one since.
A lot...I grew up having bowl full of pomegranate whenever we could ! I do not like adding fresh pomegranate to any hot main dish ( I do not like mixing spices with fruit) but we do use the dried pomegranate seeds in some dishes.
by BK
Yes - they are tasty
by AJ
No I have not tasted pomegranate. It is more of an old fashioned fruit I thing. I seem to remember my grandmother grew it.

I have no idea what it tastes like.
Yes, they're beautiful. Have a tree!
Yes i like pomegranate at Coles on Monday i bougt 2 was on special
When they are properly ripe they are delicious but the thing I like most is how beautiful they are - sparkly red jewel like.
Growing up, I remember sitting on the swing munching into a pomegranate from a tree in my mother's garden and spitting the seeds into the garden. Yep - I've eaten pomegranate! I'd like to know who's eaten a fruit called guava (from another tree in mum's garden!)
i thought you could not eat guava, or am I mixing it up with fejoia?
by Finy
When I was very young in England, we used to eat pomegranates with a pin. One by one and very slowly we would stick the tin into each seed individually - a special event. I love them.

When I was very young in England, we used to eat pomegranates with a pin. One by one and very slowly we would stick the tin into each seed individually - a special event. I love them.

Yes, it is a wonderful fruit.
My wife likes it so much that we bought a small plant for the garden,
Tasted many recently because many cooking show chefs use them. They taste great if u can get past the sometimes gritty texture
Oh yes! Fresh pomegranate is delicious, but time-consuming to prepare. I usually slice out thin bits of skin until I can access the seeds. I pick out each seed or, if I am lucky, a bunch of seeds. I know some people put them into a container to eat later but I eat them as they come available.
I have come across recipes calling for the seeds but they are too precious to me.
have a pomegranate bush in my back yard. yes to pomegranates
l love the photo, above! The seeds are lovely in a couscous salad.
Have tasted pomegranate, but didn't like it. Don't even like the juice (in bottles), I find it a bitter taste.
Yes I’ve eaten them in a cous-cous salad once & the salad was lovely.
Yes, a beautiful fruit, I remember eating them when I was in my teens.
My wife loves them so purchased a dwarf Pomegranate bush, hoping for lots of pomegranates in years to come.
YES! Many times. In fact we had a pomegranate tree in our house when I was young which produced the most sweet and juicy pomegranates. We would share it with family & friends. I think it is the most exquisite fruit with flesh like rubies! It never ceases to amaze me with its beauty!

In addition it has a lot of health benefits - including being a blood purifier.
Yes, its a fresh tasting delicious fruit, as a teenager use to pick the seedlets from the fruit using a small needle.
Yes, I did, I eat it quite often. It's really good. I eat it even in salads.
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