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Have you ever talked to your mum about your birth?

by lizzi (follow)
Helping plant the seeds of positive birth. www.sproutbirthing.com.au
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Birth story
The details of my son's birth. My own image.

Have you ever talked to your mum (or dad!) about your birth? Would you be interested to learn your own birthing story?

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We have talked about it many times over the years! My brother's birth was very traumatic for my mum, for various reasons, so she was nervous when pregnant with me but everything went really smoothly and quickly. She told us all about it from a very early age, so pregnancy and birth never seemed like a taboo subject or something to be kept quiet, whether good or bad. A healthy attitude I think!
I've never had the opportunity, but I have talked to my daughter about her birth.
Just the other day actually. My mum was in hospital and my dad and I were visiting. One of the nurses had said she had a high tolerance for pain (after not feeling a needle in her wrist), and Mum went on to say that the doctors said the same thing when she was having me, so I asked her what happened.
A "homework" assignment for my childbirth classes when I was pregnant with my first was to ask our mums about our births. So I did. It was interesting as I'd heard bits and pieces over the years but by all accounts it was quite traumatic. I'm pleased to know the story, but feel so bad for my mum. And it kind of explains her attitude towards birth and my new career as a childbirth doula and childbirth educator.
My mother when alive did tell me a little, but she was born in 1912, so had old ideas of things.
I only got to know what she wanted to really talk about.....lol :)
Not much. Mum tends not to want to discuss things like that. All I was ever told when I was young was how incredibly painful it was. In the end I never had children so I guess it didn't really matter.
My mother offered us our birth story quite early on. She has always spoken of it with pride and joy, and she also spoke candidly about breastfeeding us.

It certainly helped me to have a positive and natural view of birth and breastfeeding.
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