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Have you ever taken membership at a gym & not used it?

by Finy (follow)
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Photo: Wikimedia commons

Have you ever taken out a gym membership for a certain amount of time?

Have you gone for the full length of the contract, or stopped earlier?

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That is something I don't think I have done.

I went to the gym once for 5 years as the tops of my legs are big compared to the rest of me.

After religiously attending at 6 am most weekday mornings, an instructor told me that it was the shape of my legs and nothing I could do about it.

I stopped at the gym and took up swimming instead, and have not been back to a gym, but after paying so much money I didnt want to waste it.
by Finy
Wow Finy, you're motivated. I really couldn't be bothered.
by Vee
Whenever I've had a gym membership, the fee itself has been motivation to use it. I've never let one go to waste.
No, I don't have the money to waste like that....the times I have joined, I have gone regularly but...would never join up for too long as that's when it gets hard to keep it up.
by Fran
No. I once joined a fitness club which I used regularly, but once I knew that I would not be going that often, I stopped my membership. I don't bother signing up anymore because I know I won't use them enough.
Gross picture Finy! Haha. No, I prefer the fresh air afforded by an afternoon walk around the block.
by Vee
gross is the one they took off of the girl with her finger in the air! no idea what was wrong with that one!
by Finy
I'm lost Finy. What picture is that?
by Vee
No,I have never been inclined to share this past-time with ANY one!!! And I hate to waste money which is exactly what would happen if I was to sign up for a membership!!
I have a membership and I do use it but work prevents me from using it as often as I would like as I tend to work long hours
by AJ
My wife and I tried this once, we signed a one-year contract. We used it for the first three months, then stopped. I won't make that mistake again.
Every time ... Oops
I have never set foot in a gym.
Or two feet.
Haven't taken out a gym mbrship. ever & probably never will. Don't feel at all comfortable in that sort of environment.
Prefer doing a sport that I love! Pay as I go much preferred.
No. No & no.

Good intentions often fraught with failure!

I've a gym nearby, where I pay each time I go to swim.

No contract or its' fee, therefore no money wastage, no stress as no thoughts of 'having to go' 'cos you've paid so much for mbrship! Easy-peasy!
A very long time ago, I took a gym membership, used it for 9 or 10 months, then hurt my self at the gym, left, & didn’t get around to suing for my accident. My back has now recovered, thank heavens.
My 17 year old daughter signed a contract for a years membership and only went along about 4 times (in the first few months of joining) :(
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