Have you ever successfully learnt a musical instrument as an adult?

Image courtesy of Jorge Royan / Wikimedia Commons
It's generally much more difficult to learn a musical instrument as an adult than it is when we're young children.
Have you ever learnt a new instrument as an adult, and if so, which one? Was it difficult to learn or did it come naturally to you?
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Not yet. I'm thinking of learning to play the ukelele, just because. I'm sure it will be tricky, but that's okay because nobody else cares whether I can do it.
I'm finding harder than anything else that I have tried. They say you can't teach an old dog new tricks, but I don't believe that one.I guess I'm just very slow or something. I find learning on your own is very hard, but I keep plugging at it.
Sadly no.
I would just love to play the Banjo, but as of yet no luck :(
Me too!!!! HAhahahahahahahahaha! I think we might have to blame George Formby. *LOL*
We are very much alike! lol...lol...lol...lol.
I have never learnt to play an instrument as a child, or as an adult. I don't know why it would be harder for an adult. It takes training and practice just like it does for a child. I have come to greatly admire piano playing, so if anything, that's what I would like to do.
Oh yes, I absolutely love playing the keyboard/piano. I'm really glad I followed through with this childhood passion.
Too busy studying for my Speech & Drama Exams!
I tried learning the guitar however only took about 5 lessons and got bored.
Yes learned to play Ukulele when i was 52 and now planning on learning how to,play the piano.
No, Ive never learnt a musical instrument.
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ID: 44026