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Have you ever stayed up all night talking to someone?

by Finy (follow)
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Have you ever stayed up all night talking and sharing with someone?

#No sleep
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I have only ever done it once in my life and I remember it quite clearly even though it was some 50 years ago!

I was in Melbourne and staying with my brothers future in laws, and they almost had the police out looking for me -all the time I was outside in the car talking!

Could not do this anymore as am now a very early to bed person particularly now that it is freezing at night and I feel the cold.
by Finy
Yes,I have done so on a few memorable occasions. I do not do this any more as I would fall asleep!!!
not all night but for a long time. I had actually been invited to a friends house for dinner. I was one of four of five invited. I answered the phone at the dinner table and for some strange reason the phone conversation went on for ages, I ended up putting the person on loud speaker in the end and they participated in our dinner conversation. When we eventually hung up my friends and the other guests said that was fun but who was it. I truthfully answered, don't know. It was a wrong number but clearly they needed someone to talk to and it seemed so mean to hang up. The only other time as been talking to family members who were clearly really in need of someone they trust to talk to.
'A very long long time ago.
When I was much younger, and he was well worth it...lol...lol.
Ah, young love :)
Not in many many many many years. Love my sleep way too much for that :)
Many times. Friends and family members namely.
I have done this plenty of times - but not since I left Uni
by AJ
Yes I have, when I was much younger. Now that I am older I try really hard to say what I need to as it arises. I think that the impact is that I don't have enough stored up to warrant a night time of conversation! lol
No never, far too impatient on the phone generally....an hour is the most I have chatted. When younger and madly in love and chatting to beau, I would say 'come on over' and not talk for hours on the phone..
by Fran
Yes. When my husband and I were dating, we would stay up until all hours of the night talking via the internet. He was away for six weeks at the beginning of our relationship. And with friends. A couple of friends, two of which stand out in my mind, while I was in high school. Those were the days.
by Vee
Yes, once after a beach wedding. We stayed up and watched the sun rise over
The beach. It was beautiful.
YES!!! Not a good idea though cuz there is a "hangover" the next day!
Although I've stayed up half the night talking to one of my friends, I like my sleep too much to do it for the whole night. .
I guess, we all have done it.You just go on chatting & then suddenly you see the daylight from a window or you hear birds chirping & then it dawns on you " my god,what time is it ! " It's great fun than watching a TV the whole night long.I think couples should do it more often & it irons out all dark clouds & rekindles the companionship,relationship & love.
My wife & I used to do it those days and also hanging out in clubs till the closing time & it was just great time. But those were thr days when we were much younger in our Uni days......Now if I suggest that to my wife she thinks 'I've gone mad". AS for me I still do it like reading the whole night cos' you just can't put the good book down & it's just like staying up chatting the whole night long.
In the dim dark past, but now the old body can't take it.
Yes many times:)
I have done it quite a few times and not just when I was younger! The problem is I keep drifting off during the following day if I can't get a few hours sleep afterwards.
The last time I actually did this was when I met my current mate, in 2001... We stayed up till 7:30 AM talking before we both went home, and then we met again that evening and have been together ever since.
I have spent a whole night with my boyfriend on phone.
Yes I did. :)
NO I never have! Well yes I did, sort of. A group of us had gone to the New Years Eve fireworks in Sydney. We missed the last train home at around 2am, so had to walk around talking to each other until the next train left at around 5am! That was around 2002/3.
by Miro
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