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Have you ever smoked using a hookah?

by Vee (follow)
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Have you ever smoked using a hookah?

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No but I have seen it. I think they had some kind of apple in the mix as it smelt like apples, not bad at all like tobacco.
I have this idea that it is like the "vaping" that everybody does now . . . all different flavours but no tobacco any more. However, those e-cigarette vape things have exploded in several peoples' faces. *Nasty* Perhaps the old ways are best. . . . but not for me. :-))
by Rice
Yes, there are different 'flavours' of tobacco you can buy for hookah use.
by Vee
Wahahahahahahahaha!! NO!!
by Rice
Good grief! no.
Not something in my culture would do....lol.
Once. I did it while away with friends once high school was done and dusted.
by Vee
No. I don't know anyone in my circle of friends or family who does this. It is not something that people in my culture usually do.
No, I've never used a hookah, and don't intend to as I don't smoke.
No. I don't smoke. Never have, and never will.
by kimp
I had one at a Lebanese restaurant once, it was lovely with apple and spices in it. Not sure that they'd be allowed to do that anymore with the anti-smoking laws around eating places.
LOL-there is a restaurant down the road from us that does this. ;-)
by Vee
No, I've never tried drugs
by Finy
It's just tobacco, Finy. You make it sound so...illicit. LOL.
by Vee
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