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Have you ever smoked a cigar?

by Vee (follow)
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Have you ever smoked a cigar?

#Have You Ever
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I did...not a whole cigar - just a few puffs. It was chocolate infused and surprisingly nice tasting.
by Vee
I think the flavored ones are great.
No. They smell like camel dung to me. I don't smoke anything but I think cigars would be my last choice. I'd even go a pipe before a cigar!
by Rice
No. I have never smoked anything, whether it be cigarettes, cigars or marijuana. Its a repulsive, dirty habit and it stinks to high Heaven !!!
Yes, Lluxi, I forgot the marijuana . . . I never have either :-))
by Rice
No, they are even worse than cigarettes, I think.
Yes, at Army Formal Dining-In nights, as a dare!
Much preferred a cigarette.

Doesn't happen anymore, with the lessening of smoking.
Yes. I never smoked the fat cigars - too strong & smelly for me. But I used to occasionally smoke the long, thin cigars socially, forget their name now, 40ish years ago. Milder than ordinary cigars but thankfully gave all smoking away almost 40 years ago.
Once as a teenager, not impressed so never tried again - thank heavens.
NO, I've never smoked ANYTHING in my (long) life!
by Miro
I've never smoked anything,
I have never smoked anything. When I smell a cigar I get a bit nostalgic because Dad used to smoke them at Christmas, only at Christmas. I don't like cigarette smoke and I wouldn't like the smell of a cigar, except for the nostalgia.
No, why on earth would I?
by Finy
No, i have never smoked.
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