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Have you ever shopped at Howards Storage World?

by Finy (follow)
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Have you ever gone to a Howards Storage World store -located throughout Australia?

What did you think of their range?

#Kitchen accessories
#Laundry accessories
#Australia wide
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I have been there several times when I was doing alterations a few years ago.

I found their range excellent, and am always surprised by the things you can buy here.

Some are expensive however they are extremely good quality and do not fall apart like a lot of Ikea similar stuff.
by Finy
Yes, I like their stuff but I've never actually bought anything. I would have on the occasion I was in there, but the salesperson was not helpful at all. I left feeling annoyed.
by Vee
Nope, never heard of it.
Yes. I found their range quite good and I really liked their products however some items were quite overpriced. For that reason alone, I prefer IKEA for home organization needs.
Wow, that's cool. We don't have Howards Storage World stores in Canada, but if we did, I'd probably be a regular.
What a good clue. I'm chasing a storage holder for iron and ironing board.
by Gwen
I've been a few times but have always found them really overpriced for the quality. They do have a great range, but I typically find the items online or in another store much cheaper.
by Gwen
I have never been there
by AJ
I think they have some quite amazing ideas.
Make sure you have PLENTY of Money...lol...lol
Nothing is cheep, but I think well if they have it and no one else does....then you have to pay the money....simple.
Makes life run better, and that's got to be a huge plus.
No I haven't. Gee! That is short and sweet,eh?!
No I haven't but open to the idea....
by Fran
I had never even heard of them until we moved recently and they came in very handy for finding new storage solutions. I love their range but do think they are over priced.
I have wondered around in their store on more then one occasion. I love their storage solutions and always leave inspired. Always walked out empty handed too. Inspiration comes at a price. Too expensive for me.
Agree, too expensive but great ideas. You didn't know you needed them either! I get ideas and can make do with cheaper alternatives.
by brigi
I have walked through several times with the view of getting more organised. I was so overwhelmed by the choice and the organisation I was rendered incapable of making a decision.
no, and could not squeeze one more thing into this house even if it was a better storage idea.......but looks interesting if I ever was renovating or designing somewhere from scratch
Yes. It's one of the stores I could buy everything in it!
Donjo, have you bought anything from your H.S.W. store yet? There's nothing I need to buy in there anyway, but it is fun to look around in.
by Miro
This is the type of shop I love browsing in! Just looking at all the goods on display, makes me feel like a child again, setting up my Cubby House!

And yes, I've bought items there. A new one is opening at a nearby Westfield, so am looking forward to that!
Yes, we have a H.S.W at our nearest Westfield's. I bought a shower rack years ago from them. Last week I needed a replacement, but (a) they didn’t have the design I needed, & (b) what they did have, was way overpriced for me. I’ll now have a look in our local bargain shop! Perhaps only Australai has the HSW stores?
They do have one at our local shopping centre, but I have never been inside. If its as expensive as you all say, I doubt I will.
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