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Have you ever sent gifts overseas?

by Smita (follow)
Smita - Smitasfoodcharm - Thermomix Australia consultant
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With internet and e-shopping the world has come much closer. Nowadays it is not difficult to send gifts to friends and family even if you are overseas. At the same time, if the actual object does not appear as seen online, then it could be a big disappointment for the sender and the receiver both.

Have you sent such gifts anytime? Have they reached in time for the occasion?

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With family and friends living in England, Canada and America, we regularly send gifts overseas. I like to choose gifts myself, wrap them up and then send them over but this is very expensive business, as postage is so costly. The last few years, we've used Sea Mail which takes a bit more planning but it does save a lot of money. I order a number a number of gifts directly from the store online and I've generally been happy with what has been received. We've had the odd company let us down, but normally I've allowed sufficient time to organise a replacement. The amount of choice on the internet is staggering so it makes choosing a gift very easy.
I have and it was really wonderful.
There will be times when things don't appear, and China has been a let down for me with two items.Having said that they ship thousands, so one or two have to go missing....
I bought American, and sent it also to a place in America, that was awesome.
As I live in Australia.
On the whole, maybe 5% may not make it...but you then tell the seller, they are happy to re-send.
There is no use being scared to use this service, it does work very well.

I've sent many times. In fact I sent even a cake on my brother's birthday. Just once I'd sent footwear and it was the wrong size from what I ordered. Anyway they were happy to change. I feel it really makes gifting easier
No I haven't. Until recently I hadn't done any online purchasing, and I've only bought small, via major online sites. So far the only things I've really been happy with have been from Australia. Almost all the purchases from overseas have never been exactly like the images. Size is difficult to gauge but you can't tell quality if you haven't seen the item in person.
I've sent a few of my online friends gifts overseas before. Nothing big, maybe just a drawing or token as a birthday of Christmas present. Something that won't cost a lot to post.
I've ordered gifts from overseas to be sent to Australia with success. Haven't sent anything overseas but in sure it would be fine if done with a reputable company.

Yes I have often done this as used to have a daughter who lived in england and also some friends in Germany.
by Finy
I have lots of family overseas so yes, I have. The postage can be more than the gift so now days we usually just do Amazon gift certificates or Paypal some cash and let them buy their own gifts.
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