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Have you ever seen an owl in the wild?

by meggf (follow)
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Image courtesy of morgueFile

Have you ever seen an owl in the wild?

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No I haven't seen an owl in the wild but wouldn't that be awesome.
Many times, in various NP's. Also roadside trees in quiet country areas.
Love owls.
They're just a hoot!

Oh, donjo, I just HAD to vote for that! Hahahahaha.
by Rice
by donjo
Oh yes, a LOT of time outside in my own garden as a kid.They were regular visitors.
by BK
No. The closest I have come is Tawny Frogmouths, which kind of look like owls but aren't.
I saw a mum and babies at a friend's place just out of Seymour, Victoria last November. High up, disguised, in the fork of a tree.
by amanda
Yes, I grew up in the country and amongst lots of other wildlife there were plenty of owls around. The fields behind our house made rich hunting grounds for them, full of mice and shrews and voles.....
Yes, but only one. I saw it in the evening.
I'm very lucky that I live in a lovely rural setting where I see regular visits from owls, hawks, kookaburras and stunning brightly-coloured parrots - just to name a few. Jealous?
I have. When I was a child we had bushland around our house and I saw a boobook owl on a number of occasions. Once I saw one drinking from our paddling pool when it was almost dark. I love owls.
Yes. Lots. Both here and in Old Blighty. Gorgeous things. I love the Barn Owls.
by Rice
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