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Have you ever scattered or interred someone's ashes?

by grann (follow)
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Two folk interring ashes

Have you ever scattered or interred someone's ashes?

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It was Mum's direction that she be cremated. After sitting on my sister's shelf for many years, the family finally got together in between tripping hither and thither to lay her to rest. She was put in her parents' grave. It was a double ceremony, with my cousin bringing along her long deceased Mum's ashes. The sisters are now side by side with their parents. Dad's ashes were scattered at the goal posts of his favourite local Aussie Rules team.

But one of my son's bought a 1930's house 4 years ago.

It is on a huge block of land....and way way way down the back, over to the side of the fence is 'George'.
No he's not a cat or dog or rabbit.

He has his remains with a little sign....He was covered up, when my son inspected the property, with leaves etc from the trees around.
But! there he is.

I have told the family ''just leave him be'', they said absolutely, we are not messing with George.
No, I do not like the idea of scattering ashes, nor do I like cremation.

by Finy
Same here Finy.....same here :)
by jonaja
No, but I like the idea better than having them sitting in an urn in the house. My aunty kept my uncle's ashes in an urn for years before she finally scattered them. I think she must have been finally ready to let go of him.
No, but unlike others who have answered here, I think I would rather the ashes of a loved one in an urn at home.
by Vee
Yes,the ashes of my youngest son who died and was cremated overseas. His ashes were buried, with a short ceremony,with family and close friends, on a hill on our farm and an inscribed stone monument marks the place.
My son and I will be taking my husband's ashes back to the place in the borders of Scotland where he was born. He always used to joke that is where he would like his ashes scattered and we are honouring his wish next year. I also have a tiny keepsake urn which contains some of his ashes and that will remain with me.
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