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Have you ever said anything you really regretted later?

by Finy (follow)
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Have you ever said anything to someone that you later came to regret?

#Regret saying
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Yes, I have indeed.

And the worse one was after my daughters boyfriend died.

I will not go into what I said, however it was totally the wrong thing to say and I deeply regretted it, and still do today, some 20 years later.

I have said a few other odd things I have regretted but cannot really remember many of them -0none like the one above.
by Finy
I have said things I am not very proud to admit to,though right now,I cannot recall exactly what they have been. I just know that we ALL say things that we regret in extreme anger or frustration at times. I do know that I always have said how terribly sorry I am when I have done this,which may be why I cannot remember the exact details of the events. I must admit that in the last 10 years or even more,I have never opened my mouth unless I am certain of what I wish to say! Words can be very hurtful,and life is just way too short to hurt those we love.
Love the quote in the image. I most definitely have. Usually not major things, just lots of times when I know I could have been kinder or more patient than I was. Oh, and there are times when I have said stuff that wasn't mean, just dumb, so I wish I had just kept my fool mouth shut. Ah well, live and learn.
LOL -yes true Jennifer but at the time it just seems to "pop out"!
by Finy
LOL, so true.
by Vee
Of course.
We all have done it, and because we are angry and have a mouth, we use both.
The main thing after is to.
Fix it up.
Learn from the lesson.
Try Very Hard to Never do it again.
I can't think of anything I've said that I regretted terribly. I know I've said some shitty things but I've always apologised profusely and been forgiven so I tend to move on. If someone couldn't forgive me for something I said I might remember something in more detail.
Saying things you regret is a part of life. It's a learning experience. Unfortunately, it's a learning experience that hurts others.
Yes I have, probably many times...not seriously bad things....I think as I have matured I have mellowed a bit and now much more careful what I say to people....I know how easily 'I' can be wounded so it's a case of 'do unto others' I think..
by Fran
I love that quote. And yes, I have said things I later came to regret, and things I immediately came to regret.
by Vee
Yes - however, I think that is human nature. We have all done and said things in the heat of the moment we might later regret.
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