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Have you ever received a speeding ticket?

by chipp (follow)
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There are times when we are distracted for a minute and forget to take note of the change in speed zone. Have you ever received a speeding ticket? Do you think the cops got it wrong?

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Twice in my life I have received speeding tickets. Once was on a freeway and the other time after they changed the speed limit on a road on which I had travelled for over 8 years.
Yes - I was driving down the freeway when the speed limit changed quickly. I only reduced speed at the sign but the camera was set up to catch you right at that area. Sneaky I think!
No, and I hope I don't. However, I have noticed driving in a speed zone a little higher than I should and then immediately slowed down.
I got one for the first time ever going 10 clicks over, and I got off because it was my first one in 30 years of driving, and no fine (I think $200) .
No points off my licence.

If it's your first offence, and you have a good record (in Australia) for the last 10 yrs, you can appeal over the phone.
YEs and I contested it and my fine was converted into a warning.
yup. usually because all the speed limits have dropped from 60 to 50 and I think they're 60 still...
When I first moved to Australia I kept getting speeding tickets as I was not used to driving so slowly.
I have not had one for several years then I got one in my suburb from an unmarked unit (which is illegal) on a road I could not have even reached the speed limit after turning out of a junction let alone be going 10 km over that limit. I decided to query this ticket and they doubled the fine. there seems to be nothing you can do once issued with a speeding ticket unless you have very deep pockets and are prepared to go to court.
No, thank goodness, but there were plenty of times when I anticipated one to shop up in the mail.
by Vee
LOTS. I have a lead foot and it never feels like Im speeding.
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