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Have you ever questioned the way you are?

by Sasha (follow)
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Introspection can be good. But most often we look at ourself with a question mark. So have you had those times when you have wondered about your personality.

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Many times...then I got to a age when I stopped wondering and just lived. Personality is just a mixture of a lot of things and it is who you are!
I think it's very important to be introspective...as long as it's balanced with healthy positive social interactions in the outside world. As Socrates famously said: 'A life unexamined is not worth living.'

Without introspection it's difficult to know whether or not we're on the right track in our lives and being true to ourselves. So many people these days are so busy racing around busily chasing career, money, prestige and so many other external goals without looking within and questioning whether it's making themselves and their loved-ones happy. So many people hate their lives, jobs and so many other things yet don't take the time to look within and consider more positive alternatives.

Without being introspective it's also easy to brush off negative interactions with others as always being the other person's fault without taking the time to look at ourselves objectively and see if our own behaviour and attitudes are contributing to the situation.
I think that questioning oneself is a fundamental part of human life. To look at oneself honestly and critically is not an easy task, but it certainly is a necessary one if we are to grow and improve.
by Vee
Oh! Vee, I concur on every level! Thank you.

by donjo
by Vee
I have been told that I over do it....Better safe, than sorry....I say.
I am well aware of my short comings, and really want to keep being a better person.As I grew up, I was told to look at myself, as was all the other young people.
A good lesson, that kids are not taught these days.Being aware that you share this world with a great deal of people.Kind of being 'user friendly before the term was ever used'.
I just over do it...like a few things we all have to find a balance.
Not really, I'm pretty happy with the way I am so why fix what isn't broken?
Many times. Often feel I should have done something else in that particular situation. But as time goes by somehow things fall in place. So all's well mostly
Every day, how else is one to improve?
Introspection is good - for a level-minded person. If you perceive yourself as weak, it's better to choose a close friend or a well-wished to analyse some of your concerns.
And I do indulge in introspection & deep thoughts about myself, my words and actions affecting me/my decisions and others.
That gives me the whole picture, my role and great many thoughts on how best improve myself to add more value to a given scenario.
At times this thought process runs parallel with some scenarios where people have confused my silence as not being mentally present in that period.. :)
by Manny
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