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Have you Ever Pretended not to be Home When Someone Knocks on Your Door?

by Colleen P Moyne (Colmo) (follow)
I'm a freelance writer living in the beautiful river town of Mannum in SA, dreaming of the day I can retire from the 9-5 to write full time.
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Knock on Door
Image courtesy of graur codrin / freedigitalphotos.net

I'm a rather private person and I value my time alone. If I'm not in the mood for seeing people I will often pretend I'm not home when they knock. I'm thinking of making a 'Do Not Disturb' sign. What are your thoughts?

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I did once. And when I woke up from my nap, they were STILL in my front yard, sitting on picnic chars that they'd brought with them :O They wanted to invite me to church. it was creepy coz I knew they must have looked through the window and seen me sleeping. I was hugely pregnant at the time too.
Wow, that is big time creepy. My neighbour knocked and when I didn't answer she opened the door and walked in - straight into my bedroom!
jeebus, how cheeky is that.
No, how desperate is that.
by fran.
Why wasn't your door(s) locked?
Very risky having an unlocked door, or window, in the house!
by donjo
I had just moved to a small country town where I was told no-one locks their doors. After my neighbour walked in I certainly started locking it!
Yes, I have. I too am a private person, so when I know it's a door to door saleman or the like, I have no qualms pretending not to be home.
No as much as I might have felt like it I could not bring myself to be so rude. I don't filter my phone calls either for the same reasons.
If I'm not expecting a visit or a delivery, then I will often leave the door unanswered. I do not like people dropping by without any advance warning and I really don't like door-to-door salesmen!
As much as I would like to say no, the answer is yes. Still, it is only when I really don't feel well or got unwanted visits.
I don't think I have, not ever answered the door.

Being sick I will still answer the door, but I am very much to the point of saying ''sorry too sick''.
I do understand not wanting to see people on a day your just wanting 'you time'.
If I knew they would believe I'm not home, maybe I would once or twice.
It is good manners to phone before going to see people, and not just showing up!
What a good question!
I have to admit I am GUILTY.

On several occasions I just do not feel like having a visitor, and often if it is someone selling something or a religious group.

I am lucky I can look out the window and see them -also if there is no car in the drive, I do not always open as then it is usually someone selling something.
by Finy
What a good question!
I have to admit I am GUILTY.

On several occasions I just do not feel like having a visitor, and often if it is someone selling something or a religious group.

I am lucky I can look out the window and see them -also if there is no car in the drive, I do not always open as then it is usually someone selling something.
by Finy
I usually open the door but once or twice when I have just had a shower and am not dressed I have ignored someone. Also when it was two men from a religious group who would not leave us alone we didn't answer the door a few times. they got the message in the end. I don't think it is rude not to answer the door to someone who hasn't arranged to visit.
yes, I have done this. However, I never feel guilty about it because............I never just drop in on someone without prior notice. Just absolutely never. I think it is rude not to forewarn, and you run the risk of losing people as friends. People treat rudeness like than with contempt. Well I do anyway. I mean you could be in the middle of a midday matinee, isn't that so ?
.......or any manner of activity, Fran, that doesn't need 'crowd share'! Lol!
by donjo
Yeah, like for instance : dyeing your hair, waxing a moustache, or bikini line, maybe a brazilian, having a massage, giving a massage. Maybe just dragged out the entire wardrobe contents onto the floor to sort through, try on and discard unsuitables to charity, maybe have all the chairs up rugs out and about to wash all the floors at the one time. People need to be considerate. Evan very lonely people need to give some warning OR BETTER STILL, make a play date !
by fran.
ROFL! fran, gold!
by donjo
If you're in your own home, no need for pretence! Anybody on your property, uninvited, is actually trespassing.

If you don't want to open your door, THAT is your prerogative. There's nothing written anywhere, that you're bound to open door, except to Police!

In my high set home I could see out, but door-knocker couldn't see in. That way I could easily decide what I'd do.

Cultists' were given very short-schrift from upstairs window, in no uncertain words!
I can see who is at the door , I do not answer the door if I do not know who they are.
I think we've all done it, by the look of all the answers. Well, we're entitled - our home is our castle. I have a couple of signs on my front door now . . . . humourous but clear. No more stalkers for me!
by Rice
I had a friend who liked to drop in for a coffee and a chat. She had a baby so I was happy to to provide companionship. As her child grew and others were born I began to dread her visits. The children ran amock in my home while their Mother never left her chair or her coffee to supervise their activities- she was probably exhausted, but I had work to do and felt used by this woman. I had several things broken by the children . I would not answer the door sometimes when she called. I also asked her to ring before dropping in and her visits eventually stopped.
I received advice that although I was home, it didn't mean I was not working and I should let callers know that I have a job to do. That advice helped me stop people dropping in.
I don't like people who come to the backdoor either- I frequently leave mine open and have been almost caught by a neighbour when not fully dressed.
I think the idea of a do not disturb sign is a good one.
I have a sign on my studio door that says Welcome on one side and Go Away on the other. I only have it as a joke as no one comes to my studio except my husband.
I have a DO NOT KNOCK SIGN .In W.A. You can get them free online. Mind you some cretins still knock....normally Mormons Mick

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