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Have you ever planted a tree?

by Jennifer Muirhead (follow)
I am learning all the time. The tombstone will be my diploma ~ Eartha Kitt.
Environment (72)      Gardening (52)      Trees (5)      Conservation (5)     

ash tree
An ash tree. Photo by Brian Green.

Have you ever planted a tree, either in your own yard or in a public place? If so, what kind of tree was it, and why did you plant it?

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I helped plant a few with my parents when I was little but I don't think I've ever planted one as an adult. I plan to put in a couple of fruit trees in my backyard on the weekend.
Hundreds, in my back yard, with my students at various schools, with my children at their schools and cub/brownie groups and beside my local creek. A meeting was once warned not to stand still beside me for fear of being planted.
I have a lovely pic of my daughter approx 2 standing beside a young Norfolk Pine she had helped plant in the local school grounds. They were the same height then........
I planted a tree a very long time ago. I was in primary school, it was for a special reason, but I don't recall what that reason was. I also recently planted some lavender in our yard with my husband. We planted it for the purpose of bonding.
by Vee
When I was on 5 acres, we planted about 1000 Acacia trees -these were natives and for food for my llamas.
They ate them as soon as they had greenery on them, so we had to double fence along all the fence lines so they could not get at all parts of the trees.

I also planted mulberry trees, pear tree, and an orange tree.

by Finy
Llamas! I'm jealous!
they are delightful animals! majestic, mostly friendly and easy to look after.
by Finy
No I haven't.
All up about a dozen, I go back to them now...(our old places) to see them huge!
It makes me sad, because they grew up, without me :(
Nope, mainly because Britain doesn't have the climate for it. I would like to though, someday.
Doesn't have the climate for trees? There were a few there last I looked.
Wow! In ancient times, the whole of the UK was forested!!!
by donjo
I planted a tree with school. In fact I planted dozens of trees. At the time I considered it slave labour, but now I can reflect on some good I've done ;)
500 Pine trees (Pinus radiates) on a hobby farm I once owned in New Zealand.
The intention was to sell the timber once it had matured to offset the cost of replacing the 90 year old farm house.

When built house, planted trees around perimeter for shade & house protection. When left that house of 40 years' new owner chopped down ALL the trees!
Am very sad:( I loved the trees, & a variety brought the cheeky lorikeets to them. I loved listening to their 'chatter'!

In new area now, have planted a mauve 'Crepe Myrtle' & it's already flowered once, & only a metre high! Good little tree! Made me very happy!
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