Bee in a flower
Macro photography is not usually the domain of happy snappers but with digital cameras making good photography more accessible you might be tempted to give this a try.
I bet if you did you'd start with a flower, capture every petal. But how about a bee, close up on a flower, with pollen encrusted legs.
Have you ever photgraphed a bee up close?
#Liesure No I have not and this is not high on my list of priorities!
I am petrified of bees as well as many other creepies that sneak up on you, and would certainly not risk going close to one.
Guess I could use the zoom on my camera, but it is still something I probably would not do.
Ahhh, no. Doesn't hold any interest for me.
Also bee's sting! Got bitten by enough hornets' as a kid to stay well clear of stinging creatures!
Jeebus, a mozzie bite causes major problems for me. A bee sting might just
bee the death of me. Nup, luv the good work they do but I avoid them like the plague.