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Have you ever performed on a stage?

by Smita (follow)
Smita - Smitasfoodcharm - Thermomix Australia consultant
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ballet dancers
Little ballet dancers

Have you ever performed on a stage in front of an audience? Was it a dance sequence or were you part of a play?

#Stage Show
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When I was in Primary school at 12, I was the lead in the school musical.
It was fun, and I did have a good time.
I remember it like it was yesterday, and often go past that very place where
we performed.Nothing has changed in 48 years.
Yes. My first performance was in kindergarten
by star
In high school I took drama and we did quite
a few productions to the whole school and in front of a paying audience. I found
it a lot of fun to be part of such shows learning lines and getting dressed up and made up to look like a character.
The only plays I have been in were at primary school. I have always hated acting in front of people. Recently, however, I gave a poetry reading of my work at the library for World Book Night.
I used to do folkloric dancing when I was in my senior years in high school. We performed for our cultural community.
by Vee
At high school, college and university but not really in recent years. I always enjoyed singing and dancing but didn't like having to do it in front of people.
As an adult I have regularly conducted training, or given presentations and that is different as I don't feel as judged as I typically know what I am talking about whereas if I was singing or dancing there is (in my case) a huge margin of error.
Last year as part of a choir, it was a lot of fun!
Yes, it all began with a dance performance at kindergarten. Then I used to sing with a choir every other month on stage at school concerts and fundraisers.
Does "public speaking" count as "performing? I do a lot of public speaking and sometimes it is on a stage! :)
In school and college, have participated in dances and plays
Not for a long, long time! When I was a child I used to play the violin, do ballet and sing in the school choir so I used to perform on a stage quite regularly.
At High School I was in the choir which is hilarious as I can't sing and had to mime whenever the teacher came near. (It was to get out of sport)
As an adult I have danced at Folk Festivals with an English Country Dance group. I still don't really like it but the first time was terrifying. Not so much because of being on stage but because I'm inclined to make mistakes and was worried ab out spoiling the performance for the others.
Yes, at the age of 6 I was in a tap dance at a ballet recital, wearing a military type outfit. I remember Mum saying that if I forgot the steps, to just smile at the audience. So.....you guessed it - I forgot the steps and "smiled"!. This became a family joke perpetuated by my father. Groovy Grandma
I perform with a local amateur orchestra regularly, and have done, in different groups, for 25 years, starting with a school group.
Yes, from age 5 to 19, in various performance disciplines, including Choir.
Was also in amateur Theatre Group, during this time.
Loved it all!
Yes. When I was pretty young I was part of "Singing in the rain" performed by the church I was attending. I remember it was at thd town hall and I was dressed in green with clear cellophane rain hanging on the umbrella I was using. I also did physical culture and also debating, both performed on stages.
No, not that I remember, but I feel that the chance will come some time sooner than later, asI do belly dancing and there are always opportunties there to do a dance at an expo or even the fringe.
No, not that I can think of, I would only do it now if I had company with me.
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