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Have you ever or would you consider keeping a beehive?

by Gayle Beveridge (follow)
Gayle Beveridge
Nature (53)      Gardening (52)      Honey (6)      Bees (3)     

Beehive by ronnieb via morgueFile
Beehive (Image by ronnieb via morgueFile)

Bee keeping need not be for the professionals alone, many people keep a single hive in their own yards.

Have you ever kept bees or would you consider keeping them?

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I like to, but not with kids living at home. I have an average suburban backyard and I want my kids to be able to run around and throw a cricket ball or whatever without worrying about getting chased by angry bees if they bump a hive. I'd love to one day though. My inlaws had a beehive and it was really great having access to local raw honey.
If I had a lot more backyard than what I have, I may consider it.....If I knew I could.
It's a wonderful idea........but sadly I have a back of the house is only 3 meters wide by 10 long :(
Way too small.
I think keeping bees is great, but it requires a lot of commitment, which I don't have.
I would LOVE to have a beehive! When we have more land we'll definitely be looking into bee keeping. It wouldn't be practical with a toddler and a not so big yard though.
Me too! Me too! When I get back out onto acreage I definitely want bees. I just love them, they are so wonderful. I don't even care if I get no honey. LOL
by Rice
I am too scared of bees to keep a bee hive. So it's a No for me.
by BK
No an no. I understand the appeal, but not for me!!
I live outer city in a 3 storey building. No room.
It's a great idea and we have the space but I would be too afraid of getting stung.

My husband and I were once staying at a B&B in Metung and the gentleman there had a hive.

I've recently seen hives on TV where the honey drains into jars and the bees don't have to be disturbed. It's called a Flow Hive. http://www.theherald.com.au/story/2897580/big-buzz-for-honey-on-tap/ Of course,if it was the honeycomb you wanted this wouldn't work.
I have never kept bees, but it would be something I would be interested in learning more about to possibly do some day. I buy local honey, so it would be helpful to have it in my backyard!
I would love to have a beehive! We need a much bigger garden though, preferably one with a wild flower meadow and some fruit trees, so we would get really delicious honey :)
That would be a No & No from me!
I have had bee hives n my back yard, as my husband used to keep bees,they are great for pollination ifyou have fruit trees and veggie plants, but if you get a nasty queen and she breeds nasty workers that not so much fun as they do give a chase.
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