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Have you ever needed stitches?

by Finy (follow)
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Have you ever needed stitches?

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I have only ever had stitches as a result of surgery -I have not had stitches due to falling over or due to an accident.
Even when I had my big accident and broke half the bones in my body, I did not need any stitches -then again, I was so "high" on drugs they gave me, I would not have known what was going on!
by Finy
I have had more stitches on more occasions that any human being should ever have a right to!!! I reckon these things should be nicely shared around!!! Falls,operations,biopsies,you name them,I have had them!! And I have had staples too,when I had my brain tumour out,so I felt somewhat akin to Frankenstein's Bride for a long while!! But hey!!! It is all just part of a very interesting life,and I am so glad to still be alive to share it!! Scars are always great conversation starters.......
Yes I have cut my wrists on glass twice (NOT INTENTIONALLY) and had stitches. I am ashamed to say this is from my rather dramatic past when much younger...once I threw a brick thru the window ) as had been locked out and the other time I fell over with a glass of wine (hic) Oh dear! Apart from that only from surgery.
by fran
Yes, I split my hand open pretty bad while rock climbing...I think that's the only time though.
I'm a walking stitch-athon.

I came into this world with a hernia and needed to wait until I was 9-10 months to have surgery and repair the hole. That consolidated into a nice 3-inch scar.

After wearing braces in my teens, my wisdom teeth began to develop. I had an overcrowded mouth situation and to ensure the wisdom teeth didn't displace my newly straightened teeth, I was off to hospital to have them removed. The crowns had only just started to develop and needed surgical removal as opposed to being in a dentist's chair. The surgeon was able to extract 3 of the 4 leaving my face like a puffer fish (and about the same colour) and with many many stitches.

I shattered my ankle in my twenties which required a couple of screws. Another surgery and another bout of stitches and scar.

A benign fibroid in my back was removed and stitched ... key hole surgery through my belly button also required stitches.

I've also had a few dissolvable stitches along the way.

One would think I was a motor moron !
I think you deserve a medal....and what a beautiful smile your have!
by fran
LOL -they should have just put a few zips in!
by Finy
I feel so bad for you ! But you know what - No one can tell looking at your pretty face !
by BK
Annalisa, do you 'go off' at Airport Security Machine?
Bells & whistles' somewhat? Lol!
by donjo
Yes, several times due to cuts etc, but scarily once to remove skin cancer. The last one could have been avoided if I was more sun smart when younger
I've had plenty of stitches..... as I've had a lot of operations. I reckon you could draw dot-to-dot on my torso from one scar to another!

No stitches for accidents though, despite on one occasion ripping my arm open from wrist to elbow on a rusty nail. My mum just told me to hold the arm up until it stopped bleeding.... it was a tough love approach in our house!
I have had them in my mouth, knee, big toe and my shin
No never thank goodness.
Yes i did
No but I have had a cut on my head glued
Two stitches. I was terrified of having them, but the 'injury' was only superficial, thank goodness!
by Vee
I have only needed stitches when I have been operated on (appendectomy and when a screw had to be put in a broken bone).
Yes, post operative & getting lesions removed.
I've had stitches from birthing my 2 darlings and from skin cancers. The most fascinating was a skin graft - Watching it heal and the skin graft on was amazing.
I split my chin open playing with the boy next door when younger. I jumped out of a tree retrieving my underwear my uncle had hoisted up there and cut my foot open badly. It should have been stitched but wasn't and I couldn't put it down for over a week without massive bleeding.
Yes a few times. The most I ever had was when I had a 14 hour op to remove a brain tumour and I had 20 staples up the side of my head. Sounds awful but in fact the nurses who removed them were very gentle and all I felt was a slight tug.
Yes after Heart surgery, back surgery, and various other times after accidents.
Oh way to may incidents, but I still make more blood, I still cut and require repairs to my body. At last count I think about 40 times and roughly 250 stitches. Some people never learn.......
Sadly yes, and have major scarring from operations for the heart, back, and hip.
Yes, I started early by smashing my head open and it's been stitches for sundry ops every few years since. I don't think any of my scars are visible, not that I'd care.
by Rice
No I've never needed stitches! (Nor have I had any accidents either.)
by Miro
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