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Have you ever misplaced a library book?

by Smita (follow)
Smita - Smitasfoodcharm - Thermomix Australia consultant
Books (55)      Library (12)      Mistake (10)     
By Serge Bertasius Photography, www.freedigitalphotos.net

Have you ever been a bit careless with your library book? Maybe misplaced or mishandled it? Did you have to pay a fine?

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I once found a book years when moving, after I had denied loosing it

I also had to take a book back to the library that has been set a light by a tour guide in Morocco by accident as I had spilled brandy on it and he was trying to dry it over an open flame. YEs he had not thought that one out.
I was more than happy to pay for a replacement (which i did ) but the library did not see the funny side of it

The best way never to have a book back late is to read a short story by Stephen King called the librarian. you will NEVER be late back with a book EVER again!
I have.

I did.

It happens, but I made sure I never did again!!
Yes, and I found it years and years later. Oops!
by Vee
Yes, a couple of times. Once I accidentally returned a book to the wrong library (the city council one instead of the TAFE one) and wasn't able to get it back. The TAFE library charged me a pretty large fee (to a poor student) to replace it. They had a policy where if you kept the book beyond a certain time then you would get charged a fine and a replacement fee even if you returned the book. I wonder how many people kept books out of spite since they were being charged for them anyway.

I've also returned books which were not checked in properly so the library said I hadn't returned them. I had to go and look for them on the shelves myself and bring them to the front desk before they would believe me. The city council library are really good about this though, and will look for the books for you if you ask them nicely.
I have never misplaced a book, but I have paid fine for returning it late:-)
Yes, I have, unfortunately. It was so heartbreaking, but the library was nice enough to let me volunteer there for 2 weeks to make up for the mistake and avoid the fine (broke student is broke)! :)
Not misplaced, forgot to return and the fine piled. Actually I forgot about it. Later on it was too late and fine amount too high, so I didn't go to that library again.
I don't borrow library books anymore, but when I did, I never misplaced them.
I don't borrow library books anymore, but when I did, I never misplaced them.
yes, and the fine was huge - and then about 2 months later I found the stupid kids magazine and returned it, so I had to pay the fine for nothing!
I accidentally kept a library book about Windows. By the time I found it at the back of my bookcase it was years later and I figured it was out of date and the library should have thrown it out by that stage anyhow.
I love libraries.
I love books.

Thankfully no :)
Several times. I don't mind too much when I think of all the money I have saved over the years on books I borrowed for free.
Several times. I don't mind too much when I think of all the money I have saved over the years on books I borrowed for free.
My daughter lost her library book on holidays and I had to pay $13 to replace it - we have never taken a library book on holidays since and I don't recommend it.
by Lucy
Yes, it happened to me. I had to pay the fine, which is just fair!
I did once without realising it. We had moved house and I hadn't got mail for a while before the diverted mail came through to say that I had a book overdue. I returned it very very late because I had to organise to go back to my own library.
Although I've always been pretty good with looking after library books, when my daughter was younger she'd sometimes misplace hers...usually in the mess under her bed. Most of the time we'd (eventually) find them, but there were a couple of occasions when they just vanished and we ended up having to pay a fine.

I'm inclined to think that libraries can sometimes make mistakes, though. I remember one time years ago when I was certain that a book was returned but the library said it wasn't. They were really nice about it and I paid the fine without arguing but I'm certain that it had been returned.
No.Because for that I have to go to the library isn't it ? :)
Yes, for a couple of weeks, then found it, handed it in. Only paid late fee.
Yes, I have misplaced a library book, and I had to pay for it.
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