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Have you ever made your own tomato sauce?

by Gayle Beveridge (follow)
Gayle Beveridge
Question (37)      Sauce (5)      Homemade (5)      Tomato (4)     

Tomato sauce cooking.
Tomato Sauce - a work in progress. (Image: MGDboston via morgueFile)

Tomato sauce is a favourite the world over but there is nothing better than homemade sauce from your own home grown tomatoes. Have you ever made your own?

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Yes, all the time. Though I haven't grown my own tomatoes in a long time.... I use chopped tomatoes from a carton and that tastes just as good I think.
I make my own pasta sauce. Never tried tomato sauce because we don't use it much and I do not like it .
by BK
No I haven't.
I do it every year when we have excess tomatoes. Home made tomato sauce is the best!
I haven't but my husband is making a batch right now with tomatoes from his veggie garden. It's so much tastier than the store bought stuff and just like Mum used to make when we were kids.
Yes I did
No, I don't like much cooking
With an Italian mum, making Passata or Sugo is a family tradition. I've tried store bought sauce but it pales horrendously in comparison. In fact I would rather go without, if I run out of our home made sugo. My mum lives in Adelaide and our family is scattered around Australia ... every February the entire family convenes into mum's place to make a year's worth of supplies which we all then ship back to our various homes. Check out my family's little factory line of Tomato Salsa
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