Have you ever made your own pasta or gnocchi?
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I have a German small machine that I make my own Spatzlea which is a Southern German type of noodle.
I am thinking of making my own gnocchi as well as you do not need the proper machine for that either.
I do not think I would make noodle pasta or the like however as the range you can buy is so great, including fresh pasta.
No, in my book, life is too short...
My mum made all our pasta when I was growing up and I still have her Ravioli press! I have not used it for a VERY long time though!!
Yes to both. I love home made pasta and gnocchi!
I have never made fresh pasta or gnocchi
No, I have never done that. I am not very fond of pasta and hence there is not much inspiration/motivation there.
I'm not much of a cook and I'm sure I wouldn't have the patience for pasta making. I'll leave it to the experts. On the other hand, eating it - I'll be in that any day.
I make them all the time. Most of the food my family eats is made fresh daily. I am rather disappointed with the quality of dried pasta available these days. They seem to be made for feeding hunger without consideration for taste.
I have not got the time or energy now, but I know some do.It is a lovely idea.
You jest, right?
Next question!
I'm not particularly mad about fresh pasta. I prefer dried. I also have a preferred brand which is DelVerde which I can't always find in shops.
No, I don't make my own pasta and I don't like gnocchi.
No, I’ve never home made pasta, but I know it certainly tastes a lot nicer than the shop bought virity! It has a far softer taste, & melts in ones mouth! That’s what I think anyway, but other people might not agree with me.
Both our daughters have a pasta machine, but I don't know how often they use them! Not when we're visiting anyway!
no I have never made my own pasta and never will as I do not like it and do not eat.
How do you live, if you don't eat, Flaga? Only kidding!
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