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Have you ever made up an acronym/song to remind you of something else?

by dwatk (follow)
Memory (19)      Song (5)      Remember (4)      Acronym (1)     
Source: http://www.morguefile.com/

Have you ever made up an acronym/song to remind you of something else? Maybe a license plate number or items on a list?

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Yes this was a great way to help me study when I was at university.
I do it with my plates on my car!
So easy with this car of late!
I also think of Pauline Hanson ...(Pauline) being the name of my Avon Lady.)

If I don't do it that way, I can't ever remember....names I just always seem forget.
No, because I can't remember the song/rhyme/acronym.
I used to create little songs to remember the items on shopping list, when I was much younger. Now, I use my smart phone.
Sometimes, but I find that I just forget the acronym as well.
by Vee
Yes. I can't remember the last time I have done it though. We had to do that in middle school.
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