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Have you ever made daisy chains?

by Gayle Beveridge (follow)
Gayle Beveridge
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By User Ecrips on en.wikipedia (Own work) , via Wikimedia Commons
Image by anitapeppers via morgueFile

Did you make daisy or dandelion chains when you were young? Did you sit in a field, threading the stems, wear them as a bracelet, a necklace or a crown? Did you teach them to your children?

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I have never made a daisy chain but when I was a little girl I used other flowers/
by Gia
When I was young we used to make daisy chains all the time. The stems are thick enough to push a fingernail through to make a slot for the stem of the next daisy. Daisies and dandelions grew wild near own home.
Oh yes, lots and lots of daisy chains! As a child, as a teenager, as a young adult.... and now as a fairly old adult! I prefer them as a crown :)
And I have tried to teach my son but he's not so interested. Maybe when he's a bit older....
Yes, in the dim dark ages I seem to remember doing this as a child or even as a teenager.

They were cute and I used to wear them as bracelets though of course they broke so easily.

We used to use daisies I think as they were so plentiful.
by Finy
When I was a youngster I used to make dandelion chains, my little brother and I loved doing this when we were about six and seven. Lots of healthy outside play - now I have the skin lumps and bumps to show for it. Aussie sun is so hot!
yes, I had forgotten about it until I read this question, used to live as a child age abt 5 on a dairy farm plenty of daisys to make a chain there.
Yes, when I was a child I lived near a bluebell wood which had masses of bluebells, poppies, daisies, dandelions, crocuses, and all sorts of wildflowers. We used to have a great time making daisy chains for crowns, necklaces and bracelets, and usually went home with huge bunches of wildflowers for mum.
I read the other day that apparently scientists have discovered when they come across a bluebell wood, they are considered ancient forests. Didn't come into the equation when we were picking the flowers!
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