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Have you ever lost your keys in a public place?

by Vee (follow)
Anxiety (11)      Public (8)      Lost & Found (2)     

fellowpacker, morguefile.com

My heart sank today as the reality of losing my car key at the shops dawned on me.

Luckily I found it...in my pocket...after having already panicked and notified the concierge desk.

Have you ever lost your keys in a public place? If so, how did you respond and did you find them?

#Lost & Found
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Thankfully I have not lost my keys. It's my habit to put them in my bag as soon as I've locked the car.
I once lost my keys in a shopping Centre, or so I thought.

After much panic, similar to Vee, I eventually found them in the wrong place in my handbag.

So my answer would therefore be NO, i have not lost my keys in a public place -lose them often at home if I dont hang them up as I get out of the car!
by Finy
I'm lucky....having 2 sons that are Locksmith's...

I have 4 sets of house keys?*#!?*

Only because they don't want to have to come all the time, if I loose my 1st set.

They don't mind paying for each set(which has a fair few keys on each one).

They also want me to have peace of mind, I guess they think I am getting older...and well ''mum is going to loose them'' at some stage.

Funny thing is?....never have.

So now I have plenty of them, just waiting for me to make that one mistake.

I would tell anyone

Always have a spare car key in your bag.
NOT house key ever.

Always hide a house key outside in your back garden, but do it at night, when no one can see.

Keep a full set of keys at home....so they will take the place of your set, you loose.

Never ever put any I.D. of name etc on your keys....be prepared to once they have been lost, (they are gone).
Unless you get lucky and find them.

I lost them on a golf course. Then I found them after re tracing my steps. Luckly I found them on the third hole and I didn't have to do the whole 18 holes again.
Yes, and it was one of the worst moments of my life - till the security found it and handed it back to me! It's like I had lost control over a certain part of my life for those moments.
Keep my keys attached in my tote bag. That way I don't lose them. Oh, perish the thought!
Never, public or private!
Am absolutely 'paranoid' about my keys!
I've a good 'catch clip' on all my handbags, so keys get attached to that, then I've got no worries!
'Akuna matata'(?)!
Hakuna matata, yes, lol. You're on the right track.
by Vee
Thanks, Vee. Cheers!
by donjo
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