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Have you ever locked yourself out of your car?

by Happy Mom (follow)
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car, lock

With modern cars that have keyless entry features, the occurrence of locking yourself out of the car is diminishing, but it is still a possibility.

Have you ever locked yourself out of the car? Tell us how it happened and how were you rescued?

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Not my car but my sister-in-law's car locked us out of it when she was giving us a lift to the airport..... it was due to that really annoying feature where the car automatically locks the doors if the engine is running. Took 40 minutes to get it unlocked again! And out suitcases were in the boot.... we made it onto our flight just in time.
What a cool story! Frustrating situation but one that you will never forget. Thanks for sharing.
A few times over the years.
It happened by thinking of too many things, at once!
N.R.M.A. to the rescue!
I once locked myself out of my mum's car. Asked her for the spare pair of keys, and locked those in the car as well. Hopeless!
by Vee
Yes, recently did!! Our keyless feature was broken, so we were using the key lock to get in and out of the car and lock it. The lock decided to break, locking me out of the car. We had to get the keyless feature fixed. Blessing in disguise I guess, but definitely frustrating while it was happening.
Yes, a couple of times years ago - thank heavens for RACQ! Don't think I can actually do that now with the car I have. Just as well as I get into my senior years!
Yes. On a rising tide on a remote beach on Fraser Island. Foolishly we broke the side window rather than the windscreem for access. Make a note that side windows are more expesive to replace.
When I was younger, not anymore, clearly have gotten older and wiser.
Yes, one time I borrowed a friend's car and locked myself out. That was terrifying as it was also the first time. Ii had to pay someone to break into it for me. Plus I was late in returning it. After that I looked myself out of my own car just as I was realizing that the key is inside. Ahhhhh. I had to board a taxi and go home for my spare key.
I have done it so many times, I got charged by the RACQ for too many calls. However the lovely RACQ man said "Lady if it weren't for people like you, we'd be out of work."
Wow! Never heard of a situation where RACQ actual charged! How many calls to them were TOO many, Lynne?
by donjo
A lot. Can't recall exactly - 10 maybe. Not all key related though.
by lynne
Yes, once. Phoned husband, & he brought spare set of keys! I was only 15 minutes' from home, so he didn't have far to travel!
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