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Have you ever lied about taking a sickie at work?

by Finy (follow)
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Lie (5)      Sickie (1)      Lie to employer (1)     

Photo: en.wikimedia.org

Have you ever lied to your boss about being sick in order to take a sickie?

What did you want to do instead?

#Lie to employer
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No I dont think I have as I worked for myself most of the time.

I had my own business for about 27 years and before that there was probably no such thing as a "sickie" as you did not get paid!

I think it is quite prevalent however, nowadays.
by Finy
No,I can honestly say that I have never done this.I enjoyed my work immensely so apart from the dishonesty factor.which would have eaten away at my conscience,I had no reason to take time off work!
Yes. I had food poisoning. I spent the night with my husband.
by Vee
Yes when I was young.

I think I just stayed home..and slept.
I use to get quite tired a lot, we had to work fairly hard in those days.
nic picture JonaJ!
by Finy
tank you Finy :)

by jonaja
Love the pic!
by Vee
I have never pulled a sickie and when I am sick I feel guilty for being at home. Don't like feeling like that.
by AJ
just asking AJ ''are you Australian''? :)
by jonaja
No - why?
by AJ
Yeah when I was a kid but these days it'd be my own kids I had to call. They mightn't believe it if I said I was sick and then we all went to the beach....
No, I've always liked working and have had jobs with flexible schedules so had no need to lie about it.
Yes when I worked in the Govt...I used to call them my 'mental health days' else I would have gone stark raving mad....those days you knuckled down for hours on the computer with a supervisor up the front keeping an eye out and had to put our hand up to go to the ladies...incredible to think of it now..
by Fran
Hi Fran, know exactly what you're talking about! Where I worked, our 'toilet breaks' were TIMED! We had to put our work phone on 'idle' & they could do 'print-outs' of every second what you were doing from when you 'signed in' to when you 'signed out'. Apparently, it's even worse now, as calls are 'recorded'. When I was still there we called it being 'micro-managed'. I'm SOOOO pleased I retired when I did! Talk about a stressful work environment! Yuk!
by donjo
I used to take fake-sickies when I was in school, but not as an adult and working.
That is the one thing i wont do,ringing in sick just today i was talking to my boss about my sick leave i could take 1 year off as i have so much.

No, not into 'lying'. It's also FRAUD! I always had a Dr's. Certificate. Back in the day, had 48weeks' sick leave in credit! Shame it couldn't be paid out! lol!

Remember many years' ago, a smart young thing 'printed' copies' of Certificates off the Internet, & was handing these in for 'sickies'. Eventually, Company 'cottoned-on' to what had/was happening & she was instantly dismissed! What a silly thing to do!
Nope. I loved my job to bits. I often did double shifts if people didn't show up.
by Rice
No, I didn't need too. I only worked for 5 & 1/2 years!
by Miro
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