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Have you ever jumped from a moving vehicle?

by Jennifer Muirhead (follow)
I am learning all the time. The tombstone will be my diploma ~ Eartha Kitt.
Adventure (31)      Danger (15)      Vehicles (7)     

steam train
Photo by Mike Crowe

Have you ever jumped out of a train, car or boat, or even a plane while it was moving? If so, why did you do it?

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Yes, I once jumped off a speed boat, swam in the ocean for about 200 meters and ran with my friend to catch our cruise ship before it took off! If we had waited with the group to return the speed boat we would have missed the cruise ship. It was exhilarating!

Thank Goodness.
Interesting question. I have ...not. Sorry.
by Vee
No, I have not -would be too scared.
by Finy
Only a tire swing.
Yes. The tram had just left the terminus and I remembered that if I forgot my music one more time my music teacher, Miss Greentree, who was also my Grade 5 teacher, was going to punish me severely. I woke up "in bed with the doctor".
No, not in the last week or so! Lol!

Why would you?
Can't understand persons' who jump out of a perfectly well-mechaniced light plane.

Crazy, especially if parachute fails to deploy!
And THAT's happened a couple of times, recently.

..........but I HAVE jumped off a horse which was rearing, then rolled VERY quickly out of its' way when I saw two hoofs coming down towards me!
Ah! the 'joys' of horse-riding!
by donjo
No I haven’t, but Donjo, my uncle (who was a sculpture by trade was helping a friend on a NSW property in 1962, when he fell. His foot caught in the stirrup as the horse kept on going, & he was dragged along the ground. Unfortunately he died in hospital a few hours later.
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