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Have you ever jumped a red signal?

by Smita (follow)
Smita - Smitasfoodcharm - Thermomix Australia consultant
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red signal, stop

Have you ever jumped a red signal when no one was looking? Or maybe even got caught?

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Absolutely not.

That kind of thing can get people killed, and quickly!
By accident. i swear. There was a green arrow that came on, and there were no cars. I started driving and realized it was red. I had to continue but was pretty worried about what I did.
No, never. I thought about doing it once when there was no traffic around and the light literally took 5 minutes to change, but even then I only thought about it and didn't actually do it. You never know when a car will come from out of nowhere and BAM car crash.
Perhaps. In the dead of night. When nobody is around.
by Vee
Not at all. 'Better late than never' so there is no need to jump a light!
No not at all.
Not deliberately however perhaps in the many years I have been driving, I may have gone through one or two as figured it was too late to stop on a wet day.
However, it is a very dangerous thing to do.
by Finy

Was at very large intersection, as first car. My light turned green, I looked L then R, as always do in that particular situation, & here were TWO cars coming through THEIR red light, to my R, like bats out of hell!

I looked at driver to my L, who hadn't moved, because I hadn't moved, & we both shook our heads' simultaneously. He'd a grateful look to me, as if we had've moved we BOTH would've been wiped out on OUR R sides, as those offending cars were in a lane each, side by side...........

Very, very scary!

Nooooooo! Too much of a scaredy cat. [0!0]
by Rice
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