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Have You Ever Held a Starfish?

by Gayle Beveridge (follow)
Gayle Beveridge
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(Photo by dorne via morgueFile)
(Photo by dorne via morgueFile)

Have you ever hld a starfish in your hand, perhaps at an aquarium or at the beach?

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I haven't held a starfish/ sea star. I would be interested in seeing one up close but have no interest in holding one.
Same here. Plus, I am against all this holding of creatures that should be left in peace.
by Rice
I have never seen one! let alone hold one....hope too one day :)
Hold creatures is not my cup of tea but I've seen others hold them at aquariums and I'm embarassed to say that children don't seem as scared of them as I am. What I really find interesting is the way they adhere to things.
No I haven't. Closest I have come is behind glass.
I've touched a starfish, but have never held one! There are signs at the aquarium saying that we can only touch and not 'pick up' starfishes and sea cucumbers......
This is just something that is definitely NOT on my bucket list!

I actually think I have however while diving in Queensland many moons ago. It was no big thrill!
by Finy
Yep, whilst swimming off Yule Island in Gulf of Papua, brought one to surface to have a good look at it.

Thought its' symmetry was just beautiful!
There is now no such thing as a starfish it is officially now known as A SEA STAR.Check it out if in doubt. Regards Mike
Also jelly fish are now called ....SEA JELLIES....honest....Mike
by bhamp
Good luck getting people to change to 'new' names, after all his time!
by donjo
No. I wouldn't want to disturb them.
by Vee
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