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Have you ever had your hair straightened or curled?

by Finy (follow)
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Have you ever had your hair straightened or curled?

#Hair curled
#Hair straightened
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I have had it curled many years ago when perms were in and I had longer hair.

I also now have a straightener at home as I have one long bit of hair on one side and it often kinks the wrong way, so I use a straightener to fix it and make it straight!
by Finy
I had my hair permed for a couple of years late 80s, when everyone wanted hair like Kylie Minogue, and ALL the celebrities had big curly hair. Nowadays, my hair is curly naturally (not sure why it is since I always had straight hair). I do curl my hair with the curling tongs if I am going somewhere special to make it sit nicely.
When it was the fashion, yes we are talking the eighties, I used to have my hair permed sometimes. It was long then. A friend has used a straightener on my hair (again when it was longer) a couple of times. I actually thought my hair WAS straight but apparently not straight enough. lol
I do it all the time, and it is wonderful!
No more frizzie lizzie.

I do it is small sections, so it works all over the head, and looks even.

Takes about 8-10 mins, last's a day or so.

Not sure...about buying the one from the salon, over $300.oo when I can pick one up for under $40.oo!
No, I don't want curly hair.
As I've short straight hair, no need to! Lol!
I've curled it a few times, but never straightened it. It's pretty straight to begin with.
I have long straight hair,and I have had beautiful spiral perms put in it when I was younger.The process would end up taking 7 hours with all the winding the and unwinding of all those rods,but it always ended up looking so gorgeous,that it was worth the effort. I also had a VERY good hairdresser who knew exactly what she was doing!!! I have kept it straight for the past 18 years though,as I had a brain tumor removed which meant having it cut very short,and even shaved in a huge area!! My scalp is now very sensitive and I do not even like to have colours any more!! I HAVE though,grown it long again!
Bravo for you and I wish you good health forever :-)
by Rice
in my younger days used to have what they called a modelling wave (did not end up with those very tight friz) very natural looking, nowadays just have a good cut. perms much too expensive and really are not needed. .
I have never straightened my hair because my hair is straight. I have curled it a few times but it doesn't really suit me
by AJ
Yes. I used to straighten my hair. Now, I can't be bothered.
by Vee
In the 70s (God help me) I had my long, slightly wavy hair afro permed. What was I thinking?! Well, I just have a giggle when I look back at the photos. However, a friend of mine, not wanting to feel left out, had hers done too. I have no idea who did it but it was not the salon I went to. She came home with this scary gingerish afro that was clearly cut very badly . . . . she looked like she was leaning into a wind tunnel. Her husband poked fun at her so badly that in a couple of weeks she had it hacked off :((
by Rice
No, I never have, as I've always had straight hair.
by Miro
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