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Have you ever had to wait a long time to get in to see a specialist?

by Finy (follow)
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Have you ever had to wait a long time to get in to see a specialist doctor?

#Waiting time
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I was once told I would have to wait 7 months to get into a specialist.
Naturally I went to another one.

However there are often times when it takes several months to get in if you are a new patient.

I find it is not so difficult if you are not a new patient.
by Finy
That seems like a REALLY long time !
by BK
I'm VERY lucky as all of my specialists will squeeze me in no matter how busy they are. They know if I have called to see them,it is important! I am waiting to see a new one at present and THIS is taking quite a while to get the appointment as I am doing it through the hospital.
Yes, it is generally around 4 to 6 weeks but if I or a family member were suffering I would enlist the help of our family doctor to move things along. I think it helps that we have private health insurance but it is getting more expensive every year and I wonder how young families and pensioners could ever hope to afford it.
I'm VERY lucky as all of my specialists will squeeze me in no matter how busy they are. They know if I have called to see them,it is important! I am waiting to see a new one at present and THIS is taking quite a while to get the appointment as I am doing it through the hospital.
About a month, which is not too bad compared to some.
by Vee
No. But that's why I have private insurance! People who rely on the public healthcare here in the UK can have a very long wait - even for things that are supposedly urgent, like preventing another heart attack.
No not really
by fran
Upwards of three months' I find is the norm, unless an emergency. This is for GP referred specialist, NOT using public system!
yes , it was not like this years ago, I have found that when you do get to see them it is still a long wait as they fit others in between patients. I can only say I am fed up with the present day specialists.
I spend more time waiting to see my own doctor (even with an appointment).
Specialists are much more prompt.
Months can you believe that!!!
I think it was 5 months, to be exact.
I will say in my mind....that is criminal.
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