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Have you ever had to resort to taking a pill to get to sleep?

by Finy (follow)
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Sleep (90)      Insomnia (3)      Sleeping pills (2)     

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Have you ever had to take something because you could not sleep?

What did you take?

#Sleeping pills
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Yes, I sure have!

Currently I have a sick dog who was keeping me awake for hours during the night.

The vet said to give him valium but instead I took the valium myself and one night both the dog and I took some valium and we both had a good night's sleep.

I have had to have sleeping pills when two of my children died and even though I did not like taking them I was sort of talked into it by being told I would also get sick if I did not sleep.

I also had themn in hospital after a bad accident as getting used to pethidene/pain still stops you from sleeping half the night.

Don't often need them now luckily
by Finy
No, I've never taken sleeping tablets. I rarely have trouble sleeping.
When I had undergone surgery in my early 20's,I was given something to help me sleep in the hospital.But I cannot recall that it worked all that well!! I have never had anything since
Sometimes when I have a sinus cold, but otherwise no. I sleep easily for the most part.
I did
40 years ago
Only twice
Haven't since......don't remember what it was I took.
No, I've never had sleeping pills per se. But a particular anti-depressant I was once prescribed sent me straight to sleep. I couldn't even keep my eyes open during the day. It was a terrible experience.
by Vee
Codeine knocks me out, so I have taken flu tablets, panadine, nurofen plus etc.
Also phenergan (that allergy tablet), before I knew it knocked me out I was taking it for hay fever and wondering why I couldn't stay awake through the day.
Also got given a box of these relaxation drinks (opposite to red bull) and two of them gets you snoozing!
No never.

I don't think it is a good idea to rely on these measures to sleep. There are other methods if one is having regular trouble with sleeping. Exercise during the day, cut out caffeine after certain hours etc.

I think too many people abuse these medications and see them as an easy alternative while not thinking about their long term health.

Only on an international flight last 22 hours have I resorted to sleeping tablets because I don't like the groggy after effects.
I only ever taking sleeping tablets on long flights. I have only ever taken over-the-counter sleeping pills and thankfully I have never needed to have them prescribed
by AJ
I usually sleep quite well so don't need to take medication. Occasionally I have a warm milk drink to help me relax. Once I was in hospital and was offered sleeping tablets but refused. Another patient in my ward was quite noisy during the night which made it so hard to sleep. I wondered if I should have accepted sleeping medication.
I do when travelling against significant time zones. I set my watch to the destination timezone when I get on the plane, and then take a sleeping tablet .... and usually wake up at the other end, and my body and mind is aligned with the destination
no, I have heard that people who take them fund that they are additive, and find it very hard to come off them.
Question 1: No
Question 2: Nothing.
by Miro
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