I had to get a dr at home for the first time I think in my adult life! well, possibly 30 years ago I may have once also....
Was so sick and alone and thought I would not make it - had what I thought was food poisoning and didnt know you are supposed to drink when you have this and in the end I could hardly move - doggies didnt even get a walk for several days, and I slept during the day, which is something i just do NOT ever do.....
They took over 3 hours to get here which I was surprised at.
Oh yes many times back in 1974.
I had a operation, and was quite ill on leaving hospital.
Thank you x x I did have a lovely day with my daughter and son in law. I hope you had a lovely family time too :-)))
I think if I was ill enough, I would get to a hospital somehow too. Luckily, now that I have moved, the hospital is two minutes up the road and so is my daughter. Winning.
Yes, twice, not for me - once for the ex and once for Himself. Both times were pretty dire and in each case I was really scared as they were so ill. Two things I remember clearly . . . the first one chipped the plaster on the corner of the hall wall with his big heavy bag and the second doctor made Himself bleed hugely with the needle he gave him. Weird to remember those things.
1st- hope you had a lovely Christmas Rice :)
Wow!! you really had a hard time with those 2 times?
I have never had to call for a Dr after hours. If it is something serious, we call for an ambulance, or go to the hospital. Anything else can wait until the morning .Having said that, my doctor is open until 9pm, so he is very accommodating. If it is serious, all an on call doctor could do would be to tell you to go to hospital anyway, so you might as well just go there. If it is serious, they will see you straight away. I remember when I was having terrible stomach pains ( the worst pains you could ever experience) and throwing up, the ambulance wouldn't come, as they said it was only food poisoning. After a while, I called them back, and they still wouldn't come. I told my 15 year old son to call a taxi, and that's how we got to hospital. I was in the back seat screaming in pain and throwing up.The poor taxi driver was very scared. I was put on morphine, which did not help the pain at all. I was operated on within hours. Doctors said it was very serious, and I could have died . It was NOT food poisoning. It was a lot worse. When I got home and was well enough, I put in a complaint with the ambulance service.
No never. My husband took himself to hospital at 2am when he thought he was having a heart attack. He'd taken 1/2 a aspirin, so when he reached the hospital, he was feeling great, so he came home, but 1/2 an hr later he wasn't feeling so good, so drove him self back to the hospital, where he had to stay for 5/6 days!
Have done on 2 occasions. The first time my baby was sick; we phoned about 5 different home doctor services and they all said they were fully booked in our area so in the end couldn't get an appointment. Second time was on a weekend when my husband was sick. The doctor left the engine running in his car when he arrived which gives an indication of how long he was planning to stay. In total his visit lasted 3 minutes which included his assessment, explanation of diagnosis, writing a prescription and writing a medical certificate.